别名(Alias),可以将别名视为特殊的常量变量,他的作用在于避免将一些文件路径、URL以硬编码的方式 写入代码中,或者多处出现一长串的文件路径、URL。
Yii中,别名以 @ 开头,以区别于正常的文件路径和URL。Yii中预定义了许多常用的 别名。别名的定义一般放在应用的最开始的阶段进行, 比如引导阶段、初始化阶段等。 这样可以保证后续代码可以使用这些定义好的别名。
配置文件中的别名,bootstrap.php 中有:
Yii::setAlias('common', dirname(__DIR__));
Yii::setAlias('frontend', dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/frontend');
Yii::setAlias('backend', dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/backend');
Yii::setAlias('console', dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/console');
定义了 @common , @frontend , @backend 和 @console 4个别名。 开发者也可以自己在 bootstrap.php 中加入自己的别名定义,这是最常运用的定义别名的方式。
这类别名直接写到Yii的代码中去了。这些预定义的别名,主要分布在 yii\BaseYii 和 yii\base\Application 等类中。
在 yii\BaseYii 中:
// 定义了 @yii 别名
public static $aliases = ['@yii' => __DIR__];
yii\BaseYii::$aliases 用于保存整个Yii应用的所有的别名。 这里默认地把 yii\BaseYii.php 所在的目录作为 @yii 别名。
另外,对于 yii\base\Application 在其构造函数 __construct() 中,会调用以下代码:
public function preInit(&$config)
... ...
// basePath必须在配置文件中给出,否则会抛出弃常
if (isset($config['basePath'])) {
// 这里会设置 @app
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigException(
'The "basePath" configuration for the Application is required.');
// @vendor 如果配置文件中设置了 vendorPath 使用配置的值,否则使用默认的
if (isset($config['vendorPath'])) {
} else {
// @runtime 如果配置文件中设置了 runtimePath ,就使用配置的值,否则使用默认的
if (isset($config['runtimePath'])) {
} else {
... ...
上面的代码中,预定义了5个别名: @app , @vendor @bower @npm , @runtime 。 上面的代码中, basePath 不是别名, 但必须由开发者自己在配置文件中设定,表示应用的根目录。 对于frontend而言,就是目录 /frontend 。 在定义 basePath 时,Yii顺便定义了 @app ,代码在 yii\base\Application::setBasePath() 中:
public function setBasePath($path)
Yii::setAlias('@app', $this->getBasePath());
可以看出, @app 与 basePath 是一致的。
在 yii\base\Application 的初始化过程中,与设置 basePath 类似, 在配置 vendorPath runtimePath 时, Yii会调用 setVendorPath() setRuntimePath() 。 如果未在配置文件中对这两个配置项作出设置, Yii会调用 getVendorPath() 和 getRuntimePath() , 这两个函数最终也会调用相应的set函数对这些别名进行定义。
@vendor , @bower , @npm 和 @runtime 这4个别名就由这两个set函数定义:
public function getVendorPath()
// 在未设置vendorPath时,使用默认值
if ($this->_vendorPath === null) {
$this->setVendorPath($this->getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor');
return $this->_vendorPath;
// 这里定义了3个别名
public function setVendorPath($path)
$this->_vendorPath = Yii::getAlias($path);
Yii::setAlias('@vendor', $this->_vendorPath);
Yii::setAlias('@bower', $this->_vendorPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bower');
Yii::setAlias('@npm', $this->_vendorPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'npm');
public function getRuntimePath()
// 在未设置runtimePath时,使用默认值
if ($this->_runtimePath === null) {
$this->setRuntimePath($this->getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'runtime');
return $this->_runtimePath;
// 这里定义了 @runtime 别名
public function setRuntimePath($path)
$this->_runtimePath = Yii::getAlias($path);
Yii::setAlias('@runtime', $this->_runtimePath);
- @app ,必须由开发者在配置文件中提供,一般为配置文件的
。 即 /frontend 之类的目录。 - @vendor ,一般定义为 @app/vendor ,高级模板中则定义为 @app/../vendor
- @bower ,定义为 @vendor/bower
- @npm ,定义为 @vendor/npm
- @runtime ,定义为 @app/runtime
但是,这里有一个比较特殊的,就是 @vendor 。 对于使用Yii基础模版创建的应用而言,会使用上面提到的 @app/vendor 。 但是,对于使用高级模版创建的应用,你会发现,vendor目录并不在 frontend 或 backend 目录下, 而是跟他们是兄弟目录。这是因为对于整个工程而言,这个vendor的内容是 frontend 和 backend等共用的。
因此,实际上高级应用模版的 @vendor 应该是 @app/../vendor ,上面的代码显然不适用。 Yii也已经考虑到了。在使用高级模板创建应用时, /common/config/main.php 配置文件会重新设定 vendorPath:
'vendorPath' => dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/vendor'
对于Web应用, yii\base\Web\Application 中又定义了 @webroot 和 @web 2个别名:
protected function bootstrap()
$request = $this->getRequest();
Yii::setAlias('@webroot', dirname($request->getScriptFile()));
Yii::setAlias('@web', $request->getBaseUrl());
这里 @webroot 就是入口脚本 index.php 所在的目录。 而 @web 则是URL别名,表示当前应用的根URL地址 。
最后一个藏有别名的地方,在于Yii的扩展(extensions)。 当使用Composer安装扩展后,会向 @vendor/yiisoft/extensions.php 写入信息, 其中就包含相应的别名。 只不过这些别名通常都是二级别名。然后,在 yii\base\Application::bootstrap() 中,将这些扩展的别名进行注册。
首先看看一个典型的 extensions.php
$vendorDir = dirname(__DIR__);
return array (
'yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer' =>
array (
'name' => 'yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer',
'version' => '9999999-dev',
'alias' =>
array (
'@yii/swiftmailer' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer',
... ...
'yiisoft/yii2-gii' =>
array (
'name' => 'yiisoft/yii2-gii',
'version' => '9999999-dev',
'alias' =>
array (
'@yii/gii' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-gii',
注意上面这段代码中的 alias ,这个键对应的就是一个别名及其所代表的实际路径。 至于具体对这个 extensions.php 的内容进行处理并注册成别名的工作, 是由 yii\base\Application::bootstrap() 完成:
protected function bootstrap()
// 将 extensions.php 的内容读取进 $this->extensions 备用
if ($this->extensions === null) {
$file = Yii::getAlias('@vendor/yiisoft/extensions.php');
$this->extensions = is_file($file) ? include($file) : [];
// 遍历 $this->extensions 并注册别名
foreach ($this->extensions as $extension) {
if (!empty($extension['alias'])) {
foreach ($extension['alias'] as $name => $path) {
Yii::setAlias($name, $path);
... ...
经过上面这些代码,我们的各种插件也有了自己的别名,如上面的 @yii\swiftmailer , @yii\gii 等,常见的还有 @yii\bootstrap 等。
小结一下,默认预定义别名一共有12个,其中路径别名11个,URL别名只有 @web 1个:
- @yii 表示Yii框架所在的目录,也是 yii\BaseYii 类文件所在的位置;
- @app 表示正在运行的应用的根目录,一般是 /frontend ;
- @vendor 表示Composer第三方库所在目录,一般是 @app/vendor 或 @app/../vendor ;
- @bower 表示Bower第三方库所在目录,一般是 @vendor/bower ;
- @npm 表示NPM第三方库所在目录,一般是 @vendor/npm ;
- @runtime 表示正在运行的应用的运行时用于存放运行时文件的目录,一般是 @app/runtime ;
- @webroot 表示正在运行的应用的入口文件 index.php 所在的目录,一般是 @app/web;
- @web URL别名,表示当前应用的根URL,主要用于前端;
- @common 表示通用文件夹;
- @frontend 表示前台应用所在的文件夹;
- @backend 表示后台应用所在的文件夹;
- @console 表示命令行应用所在的文件夹;
- 其他使用Composer安装的Yii扩展注册的二级别名。
Yii使用 Yii::$aliases[] 来保存别名, 定义别名就是将别名及其代表的实际路径或URL写入这个数组, 而解析别名就是将别名的信息从数组读取出去并组合。
// 使用一个路径定义一个路径别名
Yii::setAlias('@foo', 'path/to/foo');
// 使用一个URL定义一个URL别名
Yii::setAlias('@bar', 'http://www.example.com');
// 使用一个别名定义另一个别名
Yii::setAlias('@fooqux', '@foo/qux');
// 定义一个“二级”别名
Yii::setAlias('@foo/bar', 'path/to/foo/bar');
从上面的代码中可以了解到, Yii::setAlias() 是定义别名的关键。 实际上,该方法的代码在 BaseYii::setAlias() 中:
public static $aliases = ['@yii' => __DIR__];
public static function setAlias($alias, $path)
// 如果拟定义的别名并非以@打头,则在前面加上@
if (strncmp($alias, '@', 1)) {
$alias = '@' . $alias;
// 找到别名的第一段,即@ 到第一个 / 之间的内容,如@foo/bar/qux的@foo
$pos = strpos($alias, '/');
$root = $pos === false ? $alias : substr($alias, 0, $pos);
if ($path !== null) {
// 去除路径末尾的 \ / 。如果路径本身就是一个别名,直接解析出来
$path = strncmp($path, '@', 1) ? rtrim($path, '\\/') : static::getAlias($path);
// 检查是否有 $aliases[$root],
// 看看是否已经定义好了根别名。如果没有,则以$root为键,保存这个别名
if (!isset(static::$aliases[$root])) {
if ($pos === false) {
static::$aliases[$root] = $path;
} else {
static::$aliases[$root] = [$alias => $path];
// 如果 $aliases[$root] 已经存在,则替换成新的路径,或增加新的路径
} elseif (is_string(static::$aliases[$root])) {
if ($pos === false) {
static::$aliases[$root] = $path;
} else {
static::$aliases[$root] = [
$alias => $path,
$root => static::$aliases[$root],
} else {
static::$aliases[$root][$alias] = $path;
// 当传入的 $path 为 null 时,表示要删除这个别名。
} elseif (isset(static::$aliases[$root])) {
if (is_array(static::$aliases[$root])) {
} elseif ($pos === false) {
- 别名规范化
如果要定义的别名 $alias 并非以 @ 打头,自动为这个别名加上 @ 前缀。 总之,只要是别名,必然以 @ 打头。下面的两个语句,都定义了相同的别名 @foo
Yii::setAlias('foo', 'path/to/foo');
Yii::setAlias('@foo', 'path/to/foo');
- 获取根别名
$alias 的根别名,就是 @ 加上第一个 / 之间地内容,以 $root 表示。 这里可以看出,别名是分层次的。下面3个语句的根别名都是 @foo
Yii::setAlias('@foo', 'path/to/some/where');
Yii::setAlias('@foo/bar', 'path/to/some/where');
Yii::setAlias('@foo/bar/qux', 'path/to/some/where');
- 新定义别名还是删除别名
如果传入的 $path 不是 null ,说明是正常的别名定义。 对于正常的别名定义,就是往 BaseYii::$aliases[] 里写入信息。 而如果 $path 为 null ,说明是要删除别名:
// 定义别名@foo
Yii::setAlias('@foo', 'path/to/some/where');
// 删除别名@foo
Yii::setAlias('@foo', null);
- 解析 $path
对于新定义别名,既然 $path 不为 null ,那么先进行解析: 如果 $path 以 @ 打头,说明这也是一个别名,则调用 Yii::getAlias() , 并将解析后的结果作为新的 $path ; 如果 $path 不以 @ 打头,说明是一个正常的path 或 URL, 那么去除 $path 末尾的 / 和 \ 。
- 别名的写入
对于全新的别名,也即其根别名是新的, BaseYii::aliases[$root] 不存在。 那么全新别名的写入分两种情况: 如果全新别名本身就是根别名, 那么直接 BaseYii::aliases[$alias] = $path ; 而如果全新的别名并非是一个根别名,即形如 @foo/bar 带有二级、三级等路径的, BaseYii::aliases[$root] = [$alias => $path] 。比如:
// BaseYii::aliases['@foo'] = ['@foo/bar' => 'path/to/foo/bar']
Yii::setAlias('@foo/bar', 'path/to/foo/bar');
// BaseYii::aliases['@qux'] = 'path/to/qux'
Yii::setAlias('@qux', 'path/to/qux');
// 初始 BaseYii::aliases['@foo'] = 'path/to/foo'
Yii::setAlias('@foo', 'path/to/foo');
// 直接覆盖 BaseYii::aliases['@foo'] = 'path/to/foo2'
Yii::setAlias('@foo', 'path/to/foo2');
* 新增
* BaseYii::aliases['@foo'] = [
* '@foo/bar' => 'path/to/foo/bar',
* '@foo' => 'path/to/foo2',
* ];
Yii::setAlias('@foo/bar', 'path/to/foo/bar');
// 初始 BaseYii::aliases['@bar'] = ['@bar/qux' => 'path/to/bar/qux'];
Yii::setAlias('@bar/qux', 'path/to/bar/qux');
// 直接覆盖 BaseYii::aliases['@bar'] = ['@bar/qux' => 'path/to/bar/qux2'];
Yii::setAlias('@bar/qux', 'path/to/bar/qux2');
* 新增
* BaseYii::aliases['@bar'] = [
* '@bar/foo' => 'path/to/bar/foo',
* '@bar/qux' => 'path/to/bar/qux2',
* ];
Yii::setAlias('@bar/foo', 'path/to/bar/foo');
注意如果根别名对应的是一个数组,在新增、覆盖后, Yii会调用PHP的 krsort() 把数组按照键值重新逆向排序。 这可以有效确保长的别名会放在短的类以别名前面, 比如, @foo/bar/qux 和 @foo/bar 同样被放在根别名 @foo 之下, 但长的那个,会被放在前面。
- 别名的删除
传入的 $path 为 null 表示要删除别名。 Yii使用PHP的 unset() 注销 BaseYii::$aliases[] 数组中的对应元素, 达到删除别名的目的。注意删除别名后,不需要调用 krsort() 对数组进行处理。
与定义过程使用 Yii::setAlias() 相对应,别名的解析过程使用 Yii::getAlias() , 实际代码在 BaseYii::getAlias() 中:
public static function getAlias($alias, $throwException = true)
// 一切不以@打头的别名都是无效的
if (strncmp($alias, '@', 1)) {
return $alias;
// 先确定根别名 $root
$pos = strpos($alias, '/');
$root = $pos === false ? $alias : substr($alias, 0, $pos);
// 从根别名开始找起,如果根别名没找到,一切免谈
if (isset(static::$aliases[$root])) {
if (is_string(static::$aliases[$root])) {
return $pos === false ? static::$aliases[$root] :
static::$aliases[$root] . substr($alias, $pos);
} else {
// 由于写入前使用了 krsort() 所以,较长的别名会被先遍历到。
foreach (static::$aliases[$root] as $name => $path) {
if (strpos($alias . '/', $name . '/') === 0) {
return $path . substr($alias, strlen($name));
if ($throwException) {
throw new InvalidParamException("Invalid path alias: $alias");
} else {
return false;
- 先按根别名找到可能保存别名的分支。
- 遍历这个分支下的所有树叶。由于之前叶子(别名)是按键值逆排序的,所以优先匹配长别名。
- 将找到的最长匹配别名替换成其所对应的值,再接上 @alias 的后半截,成为新的别名。
// 无效的别名,别名必须以@打头,别名不能放在中间
// 但是语句不会出错,会认为这是一个路径,一字不变的路径: path/to/@foo/bar
// 定义 @foo、@foo/bar、@foo/bar/qux 3个别名
Yii::setAlias('@foo', 'path/to/foo');
Yii::setAlias('@foo/bar', 'path/to/bar');
Yii::setAlias('@foo/bar/qux', 'path/to/qux');
// 找不到 @foobar根别名,抛出异常
// 匹配@foo,相当于 path/to/foo/qux/index.php
// 匹配@foo/bar,相当于 path/to/bar/2/index.php
// 匹配@foo/bar/qux,相当于 path/to/qux/2/index.php
- 别名需在使用前定义,因此通常来讲,定义别名应当在放在应用的初始化阶段。
- 别名必然以 @ 打头。
- 别名的定义可以使用之前已经定义过的别名。
- 别名在储存时,至多只分成两级,第一级的键是根别名。 第二级别名的键是完整的别名,而不是去除根别名后剩下的所谓的“二级”别名。
- Yii通过分层的树结构来保存别名最主要是为高效检索作准备。
- 很多地方可以直接使用别名,而不用调用 Yii::getAlias() 转换成真实的路径或URL。
- 别名解析时,优先匹配较长的别名。
- Yii预定义了许多常用的别名供编程时使用。
- 使用别名时,要将别名放在最前面,不能放在中间。
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\base;
use Yii;
* Application is the base class for all application classes.
* For more details and usage information on Application, see the [guide article on applications](guide:structure-applications).
* @property \yii\web\AssetManager $assetManager The asset manager application component. This property is
* read-only.
* @property \yii\rbac\ManagerInterface $authManager The auth manager application component. Null is returned
* if auth manager is not configured. This property is read-only.
* @property string $basePath The root directory of the application.
* @property \yii\caching\CacheInterface $cache The cache application component. Null if the component is not
* enabled. This property is read-only.
* @property array $container Values given in terms of name-value pairs. This property is write-only.
* @property \yii\db\Connection $db The database connection. This property is read-only.
* @property \yii\web\ErrorHandler|\yii\console\ErrorHandler $errorHandler The error handler application
* component. This property is read-only.
* @property \yii\i18n\Formatter $formatter The formatter application component. This property is read-only.
* @property \yii\i18n\I18N $i18n The internationalization application component. This property is read-only.
* @property \yii\log\Dispatcher $log The log dispatcher application component. This property is read-only.
* @property \yii\mail\MailerInterface $mailer The mailer application component. This property is read-only.
* @property \yii\web\Request|\yii\console\Request $request The request component. This property is read-only.
* @property \yii\web\Response|\yii\console\Response $response The response component. This property is
* read-only.
* @property string $runtimePath The directory that stores runtime files. Defaults to the "runtime"
* subdirectory under [[basePath]].
* @property \yii\base\Security $security The security application component. This property is read-only.
* @property string $timeZone The time zone used by this application.
* @property string $uniqueId The unique ID of the module. This property is read-only.
* @property \yii\web\UrlManager $urlManager The URL manager for this application. This property is read-only.
* @property string $vendorPath The directory that stores vendor files. Defaults to "vendor" directory under
* [[basePath]].
* @property View|\yii\web\View $view The view application component that is used to render various view
* files. This property is read-only.
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @since 2.0
abstract class Application extends Module
* @event Event an event raised before the application starts to handle a request.
const EVENT_BEFORE_REQUEST = 'beforeRequest';
* @event Event an event raised after the application successfully handles a request (before the response is sent out).
const EVENT_AFTER_REQUEST = 'afterRequest';
* Application state used by [[state]]: application just started.
const STATE_BEGIN = 0;
* Application state used by [[state]]: application is initializing.
const STATE_INIT = 1;
* Application state used by [[state]]: application is triggering [[EVENT_BEFORE_REQUEST]].
* Application state used by [[state]]: application is handling the request.
* Application state used by [[state]]: application is triggering [[EVENT_AFTER_REQUEST]]..
* Application state used by [[state]]: application is about to send response.
* Application state used by [[state]]: application has ended.
const STATE_END = 6;
* @var string the namespace that controller classes are located in.
* This namespace will be used to load controller classes by prepending it to the controller class name.
* The default namespace is `app\controllers`.
* Please refer to the [guide about class autoloading](guide:concept-autoloading.md) for more details.
public $controllerNamespace = 'app\\controllers';
* @var string the application name.
public $name = 'My Application';
* @var string the charset currently used for the application.
public $charset = 'UTF-8';
* @var string the language that is meant to be used for end users. It is recommended that you
* use [IETF language tags](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IETF_language_tag). For example, `en` stands
* for English, while `en-US` stands for English (United States).
* @see sourceLanguage
public $language = 'en-US';
* @var string the language that the application is written in. This mainly refers to
* the language that the messages and view files are written in.
* @see language
public $sourceLanguage = 'en-US';
* @var Controller the currently active controller instance
public $controller;
* @var string|bool the layout that should be applied for views in this application. Defaults to 'main'.
* If this is false, layout will be disabled.
public $layout = 'main';
* @var string the requested route
public $requestedRoute;
* @var Action the requested Action. If null, it means the request cannot be resolved into an action.
public $requestedAction;
* @var array the parameters supplied to the requested action.
public $requestedParams;
* @var array list of installed Yii extensions. Each array element represents a single extension
* with the following structure:
* ```php
* [
* 'name' => 'extension name',
* 'version' => 'version number',
* 'bootstrap' => 'BootstrapClassName', // optional, may also be a configuration array
* 'alias' => [
* '@alias1' => 'to/path1',
* '@alias2' => 'to/path2',
* ],
* ]
* ```
* The "bootstrap" class listed above will be instantiated during the application
* [[bootstrap()|bootstrapping process]]. If the class implements [[BootstrapInterface]],
* its [[BootstrapInterface::bootstrap()|bootstrap()]] method will be also be called.
* If not set explicitly in the application config, this property will be populated with the contents of
* `@vendor/yiisoft/extensions.php`.
public $extensions;
* @var array list of components that should be run during the application [[bootstrap()|bootstrapping process]].
* Each component may be specified in one of the following formats:
* - an application component ID as specified via [[components]].
* - a module ID as specified via [[modules]].
* - a class name.
* - a configuration array.
* - a Closure
* During the bootstrapping process, each component will be instantiated. If the component class
* implements [[BootstrapInterface]], its [[BootstrapInterface::bootstrap()|bootstrap()]] method
* will be also be called.
public $bootstrap = [];
* @var int the current application state during a request handling life cycle.
* This property is managed by the application. Do not modify this property.
public $state;
* @var array list of loaded modules indexed by their class names.
public $loadedModules = [];
* Constructor.
* @param array $config name-value pairs that will be used to initialize the object properties.
* Note that the configuration must contain both [[id]] and [[basePath]].
* @throws InvalidConfigException if either [[id]] or [[basePath]] configuration is missing.
public function __construct($config = [])
Yii::$app = $this;
$this->state = self::STATE_BEGIN;
* Pre-initializes the application.
* This method is called at the beginning of the application constructor.
* It initializes several important application properties.
* If you override this method, please make sure you call the parent implementation.
* @param array $config the application configuration
* @throws InvalidConfigException if either [[id]] or [[basePath]] configuration is missing.
public function preInit(&$config)
if (!isset($config['id'])) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('The "id" configuration for the Application is required.');
if (isset($config['basePath'])) {
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigException('The "basePath" configuration for the Application is required.');
if (isset($config['vendorPath'])) {
} else {
// set "@vendor"
if (isset($config['runtimePath'])) {
} else {
// set "@runtime"
if (isset($config['timeZone'])) {
} elseif (!ini_get('date.timezone')) {
if (isset($config['container'])) {
// merge core components with custom components
foreach ($this->coreComponents() as $id => $component) {
if (!isset($config['components'][$id])) {
$config['components'][$id] = $component;
} elseif (is_array($config['components'][$id]) && !isset($config['components'][$id]['class'])) {
$config['components'][$id]['class'] = $component['class'];
* {@inheritdoc}
public function init()
$this->state = self::STATE_INIT;
* Initializes extensions and executes bootstrap components.
* This method is called by [[init()]] after the application has been fully configured.
* If you override this method, make sure you also call the parent implementation.
protected function bootstrap()
if ($this->extensions === null) {
$file = Yii::getAlias('@vendor/yiisoft/extensions.php');
$this->extensions = is_file($file) ? include $file : [];
foreach ($this->extensions as $extension) {
if (!empty($extension['alias'])) {
foreach ($extension['alias'] as $name => $path) {
Yii::setAlias($name, $path);
if (isset($extension['bootstrap'])) {
$component = Yii::createObject($extension['bootstrap']);
if ($component instanceof BootstrapInterface) {
Yii::debug('Bootstrap with ' . get_class($component) . '::bootstrap()', __METHOD__);
} else {
Yii::debug('Bootstrap with ' . get_class($component), __METHOD__);
foreach ($this->bootstrap as $mixed) {
$component = null;
if ($mixed instanceof \Closure) {
Yii::debug('Bootstrap with Closure', __METHOD__);
if (!$component = call_user_func($mixed, $this)) {
} elseif (is_string($mixed)) {
if ($this->has($mixed)) {
$component = $this->get($mixed);
} elseif ($this->hasModule($mixed)) {
$component = $this->getModule($mixed);
} elseif (strpos($mixed, '\\') === false) {
throw new InvalidConfigException("Unknown bootstrapping component ID: $mixed");
if (!isset($component)) {
$component = Yii::createObject($mixed);
if ($component instanceof BootstrapInterface) {
Yii::debug('Bootstrap with ' . get_class($component) . '::bootstrap()', __METHOD__);
} else {
Yii::debug('Bootstrap with ' . get_class($component), __METHOD__);
* Registers the errorHandler component as a PHP error handler.
* @param array $config application config
protected function registerErrorHandler(&$config)
if (!isset($config['components']['errorHandler']['class'])) {
echo "Error: no errorHandler component is configured.\n";
$this->set('errorHandler', $config['components']['errorHandler']);
* Returns an ID that uniquely identifies this module among all modules within the current application.
* Since this is an application instance, it will always return an empty string.
* @return string the unique ID of the module.
public function getUniqueId()
return '';
* Sets the root directory of the application and the @app alias.
* This method can only be invoked at the beginning of the constructor.
* @param string $path the root directory of the application.
* @property string the root directory of the application.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException if the directory does not exist.
public function setBasePath($path)
Yii::setAlias('@app', $this->getBasePath());
* Runs the application.
* This is the main entrance of an application.
* @return int the exit status (0 means normal, non-zero values mean abnormal)
public function run()
try {
$this->state = self::STATE_BEFORE_REQUEST;
$this->state = self::STATE_HANDLING_REQUEST;
$response = $this->handleRequest($this->getRequest());
$this->state = self::STATE_AFTER_REQUEST;
$this->state = self::STATE_SENDING_RESPONSE;
$this->state = self::STATE_END;
return $response->exitStatus;
} catch (ExitException $e) {
$this->end($e->statusCode, isset($response) ? $response : null);
return $e->statusCode;
* Handles the specified request.
* This method should return an instance of [[Response]] or its child class
* which represents the handling result of the request.
* @param Request $request the request to be handled
* @return Response the resulting response
abstract public function handleRequest($request);
private $_runtimePath;
* Returns the directory that stores runtime files.
* @return string the directory that stores runtime files.
* Defaults to the "runtime" subdirectory under [[basePath]].
public function getRuntimePath()
if ($this->_runtimePath === null) {
$this->setRuntimePath($this->getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'runtime');
return $this->_runtimePath;
* Sets the directory that stores runtime files.
* @param string $path the directory that stores runtime files.
public function setRuntimePath($path)
$this->_runtimePath = Yii::getAlias($path);
Yii::setAlias('@runtime', $this->_runtimePath);
private $_vendorPath;
* Returns the directory that stores vendor files.
* @return string the directory that stores vendor files.
* Defaults to "vendor" directory under [[basePath]].
public function getVendorPath()
if ($this->_vendorPath === null) {
$this->setVendorPath($this->getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor');
return $this->_vendorPath;
* Sets the directory that stores vendor files.
* @param string $path the directory that stores vendor files.
public function setVendorPath($path)
$this->_vendorPath = Yii::getAlias($path);
Yii::setAlias('@vendor', $this->_vendorPath);
Yii::setAlias('@bower', $this->_vendorPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bower');
Yii::setAlias('@npm', $this->_vendorPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'npm');
* Returns the time zone used by this application.
* This is a simple wrapper of PHP function date_default_timezone_get().
* If time zone is not configured in php.ini or application config,
* it will be set to UTC by default.
* @return string the time zone used by this application.
* @see https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.date-default-timezone-get.php
public function getTimeZone()
return date_default_timezone_get();
* Sets the time zone used by this application.
* This is a simple wrapper of PHP function date_default_timezone_set().
* Refer to the [php manual](https://secure.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php) for available timezones.
* @param string $value the time zone used by this application.
* @see https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.date-default-timezone-set.php
public function setTimeZone($value)
* Returns the database connection component.
* @return \yii\db\Connection the database connection.
public function getDb()
return $this->get('db');
* Returns the log dispatcher component.
* @return \yii\log\Dispatcher the log dispatcher application component.
public function getLog()
return $this->get('log');
* Returns the error handler component.
* @return \yii\web\ErrorHandler|\yii\console\ErrorHandler the error handler application component.
public function getErrorHandler()
return $this->get('errorHandler');
* Returns the cache component.
* @return \yii\caching\CacheInterface the cache application component. Null if the component is not enabled.
public function getCache()
return $this->get('cache', false);
* Returns the formatter component.
* @return \yii\i18n\Formatter the formatter application component.
public function getFormatter()
return $this->get('formatter');
* Returns the request component.
* @return \yii\web\Request|\yii\console\Request the request component.
public function getRequest()
return $this->get('request');
* Returns the response component.
* @return \yii\web\Response|\yii\console\Response the response component.
public function getResponse()
return $this->get('response');
* Returns the view object.
* @return View|\yii\web\View the view application component that is used to render various view files.
public function getView()
return $this->get('view');
* Returns the URL manager for this application.
* @return \yii\web\UrlManager the URL manager for this application.
public function getUrlManager()
return $this->get('urlManager');
* Returns the internationalization (i18n) component.
* @return \yii\i18n\I18N the internationalization application component.
public function getI18n()
return $this->get('i18n');
* Returns the mailer component.
* @return \yii\mail\MailerInterface the mailer application component.
public function getMailer()
return $this->get('mailer');
* Returns the auth manager for this application.
* @return \yii\rbac\ManagerInterface the auth manager application component.
* Null is returned if auth manager is not configured.
public function getAuthManager()
return $this->get('authManager', false);
* Returns the asset manager.
* @return \yii\web\AssetManager the asset manager application component.
public function getAssetManager()
return $this->get('assetManager');
* Returns the security component.
* @return \yii\base\Security the security application component.
public function getSecurity()
return $this->get('security');
* Returns the configuration of core application components.
* @see set()
public function coreComponents()
return [
'log' => ['class' => 'yii\log\Dispatcher'],
'view' => ['class' => 'yii\web\View'],
'formatter' => ['class' => 'yii\i18n\Formatter'],
'i18n' => ['class' => 'yii\i18n\I18N'],
'mailer' => ['class' => 'yii\swiftmailer\Mailer'],
'urlManager' => ['class' => 'yii\web\UrlManager'],
'assetManager' => ['class' => 'yii\web\AssetManager'],
'security' => ['class' => 'yii\base\Security'],
* Terminates the application.
* This method replaces the `exit()` function by ensuring the application life cycle is completed
* before terminating the application.
* @param int $status the exit status (value 0 means normal exit while other values mean abnormal exit).
* @param Response $response the response to be sent. If not set, the default application [[response]] component will be used.
* @throws ExitException if the application is in testing mode
public function end($status = 0, $response = null)
if ($this->state === self::STATE_BEFORE_REQUEST || $this->state === self::STATE_HANDLING_REQUEST) {
$this->state = self::STATE_AFTER_REQUEST;
if ($this->state !== self::STATE_SENDING_RESPONSE && $this->state !== self::STATE_END) {
$this->state = self::STATE_END;
$response = $response ?: $this->getResponse();
throw new ExitException($status);
* Configures [[Yii::$container]] with the $config.
* @param array $config values given in terms of name-value pairs
* @since 2.0.11
public function setContainer($config)
Yii::configure(Yii::$container, $config);
yii\web\Application 源码
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\web;
use Yii;
use yii\base\InvalidRouteException;
use yii\helpers\Url;
* Application is the base class for all web application classes.
* For more details and usage information on Application, see the [guide article on applications](guide:structure-applications).
* @property ErrorHandler $errorHandler The error handler application component. This property is read-only.
* @property string $homeUrl The homepage URL.
* @property Request $request The request component. This property is read-only.
* @property Response $response The response component. This property is read-only.
* @property Session $session The session component. This property is read-only.
* @property User $user The user component. This property is read-only.
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @since 2.0
class Application extends \yii\base\Application
* @var string the default route of this application. Defaults to 'site'.
public $defaultRoute = 'site';
* @var array the configuration specifying a controller action which should handle
* all user requests. This is mainly used when the application is in maintenance mode
* and needs to handle all incoming requests via a single action.
* The configuration is an array whose first element specifies the route of the action.
* The rest of the array elements (key-value pairs) specify the parameters to be bound
* to the action. For example,
* ```php
* [
* 'offline/notice',
* 'param1' => 'value1',
* 'param2' => 'value2',
* ]
* ```
* Defaults to null, meaning catch-all is not used.
public $catchAll;
* @var Controller the currently active controller instance
public $controller;
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function bootstrap()
$request = $this->getRequest();
Yii::setAlias('@webroot', dirname($request->getScriptFile()));
Yii::setAlias('@web', $request->getBaseUrl());
* Handles the specified request.
* @param Request $request the request to be handled
* @return Response the resulting response
* @throws NotFoundHttpException if the requested route is invalid
public function handleRequest($request)
if (empty($this->catchAll)) {
try {
list($route, $params) = $request->resolve();
} catch (UrlNormalizerRedirectException $e) {
$url = $e->url;
if (is_array($url)) {
if (isset($url[0])) {
// ensure the route is absolute
$url[0] = '/' . ltrim($url[0], '/');
$url += $request->getQueryParams();
return $this->getResponse()->redirect(Url::to($url, $e->scheme), $e->statusCode);
} else {
$route = $this->catchAll[0];
$params = $this->catchAll;
try {
Yii::debug("Route requested: '$route'", __METHOD__);
$this->requestedRoute = $route;
$result = $this->runAction($route, $params);
if ($result instanceof Response) {
return $result;
$response = $this->getResponse();
if ($result !== null) {
$response->data = $result;
return $response;
} catch (InvalidRouteException $e) {
throw new NotFoundHttpException(Yii::t('yii', 'Page not found.'), $e->getCode(), $e);
private $_homeUrl;
* @return string the homepage URL
public function getHomeUrl()
if ($this->_homeUrl === null) {
if ($this->getUrlManager()->showScriptName) {
return $this->getRequest()->getScriptUrl();
return $this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl() . '/';
return $this->_homeUrl;
* @param string $value the homepage URL
public function setHomeUrl($value)
$this->_homeUrl = $value;
* Returns the error handler component.
* @return ErrorHandler the error handler application component.
public function getErrorHandler()
return $this->get('errorHandler');
* Returns the request component.
* @return Request the request component.
public function getRequest()
return $this->get('request');
* Returns the response component.
* @return Response the response component.
public function getResponse()
return $this->get('response');
* Returns the session component.
* @return Session the session component.
public function getSession()
return $this->get('session');
* Returns the user component.
* @return User the user component.
public function getUser()
return $this->get('user');
* {@inheritdoc}
public function coreComponents()
return array_merge(parent::coreComponents(), [
'request' => ['class' => 'yii\web\Request'],
'response' => ['class' => 'yii\web\Response'],
'session' => ['class' => 'yii\web\Session'],
'user' => ['class' => 'yii\web\User'],
'errorHandler' => ['class' => 'yii\web\ErrorHandler'],
vendor/yiisoft/extensions.php 文件源码
$vendorDir = dirname(__DIR__);
return array (
'jianyan74/yii2-console-migration' =>
array (
'name' => 'jianyan74/yii2-console-migration',
'version' => '',
'alias' =>
array (
'@jianyan/migration' => $vendorDir . '/jianyan74/yii2-console-migration/src',
'jianyan74/yii2-easy-wechat' =>
array (
'name' => 'jianyan74/yii2-easy-wechat',
'version' => '',
'alias' =>
array (
'@jianyan/easywechat' => $vendorDir . '/jianyan74/yii2-easy-wechat/src',
'jianyan74/yii2-treegrid' =>
array (
'name' => 'jianyan74/yii2-treegrid',
'version' => '',
'alias' =>
array (
'@jianyan/treegrid' => $vendorDir . '/jianyan74/yii2-treegrid/src',
'yidas/yii2-bower-asset' =>
array (
'name' => 'yidas/yii2-bower-asset',
'version' => '',
'alias' =>
array (
'@yidas/yii2BowerAsset' => $vendorDir . '/yidas/yii2-bower-asset',
'omnilight/yii2-scheduling' =>
array (
'name' => 'omnilight/yii2-scheduling',
'version' => '',
'alias' =>
array (
'@omnilight/scheduling' => $vendorDir . '/omnilight/yii2-scheduling/src',
'bootstrap' => 'omnilight\\scheduling\\Bootstrap',
'yiisoft/yii2-httpclient' =>
array (
'name' => 'yiisoft/yii2-httpclient',
'version' => '',
'alias' =>
array (
'@yii/httpclient' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-httpclient/src',
'yiisoft/yii2-authclient' =>
array (
'name' => 'yiisoft/yii2-authclient',
'version' => '',
'alias' =>
array (
'@yii/authclient' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-authclient/src',
'yiisoft/yii2-elasticsearch' =>
array (
'name' => 'yiisoft/yii2-elasticsearch',
'version' => '9999999-dev',
'alias' =>
array (
'@yii/elasticsearch' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-elasticsearch',
'yiisoft/yii2-imagine' =>
array (
'name' => 'yiisoft/yii2-imagine',
'version' => '',
'alias' =>
array (
'@yii/imagine' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-imagine',
'yiisoft/yii2-queue' =>
array (
'name' => 'yiisoft/yii2-queue',
'version' => '9999999-dev',
'alias' =>
array (
'@yii/queue' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src',
'@yii/queue/amqp' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/drivers/amqp',
'@yii/queue/amqp_interop' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/drivers/amqp_interop',
'@yii/queue/beanstalk' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/drivers/beanstalk',
'@yii/queue/db' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/drivers/db',
'@yii/queue/file' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/drivers/file',
'@yii/queue/gearman' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/drivers/gearman',
'@yii/queue/redis' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/drivers/redis',
'@yii/queue/sync' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/drivers/sync',
'@yii/queue/sqs' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/drivers/sqs',
'@yii/queue/stomp' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/drivers/stomp',
'yiisoft/yii2-redis' =>
array (
'name' => 'yiisoft/yii2-redis',
'version' => '',
'alias' =>
array (
'@yii/redis' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-redis/src',
'yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer' =>
array (
'name' => 'yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer',
'version' => '',
'alias' =>
array (
'@yii/swiftmailer' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer/src',
'yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap' =>
array (
'name' => 'yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap',
'version' => '',
'alias' =>
array (
'@yii/bootstrap' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap/src',
'yiisoft/yii2-debug' =>
array (
'name' => 'yiisoft/yii2-debug',
'version' => '',
'alias' =>
array (
'@yii/debug' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-debug/src',
'yiisoft/yii2-faker' =>
array (
'name' => 'yiisoft/yii2-faker',
'version' => '',
'alias' =>
array (
'@yii/faker' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-faker',
'yiisoft/yii2-gii' =>
array (
'name' => 'yiisoft/yii2-gii',
'version' => '',
'alias' =>
array (
'@yii/gii' => $vendorDir . '/yiisoft/yii2-gii/src',
vendor/yiisoft/yii2/BaseYii.php 文件源码
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii;
use yii\base\InvalidArgumentException;
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
use yii\base\UnknownClassException;
use yii\di\Container;
use yii\log\Logger;
* Gets the application start timestamp.
defined('YII_BEGIN_TIME') or define('YII_BEGIN_TIME', microtime(true));
* This constant defines the framework installation directory.
defined('YII2_PATH') or define('YII2_PATH', __DIR__);
* This constant defines whether the application should be in debug mode or not. Defaults to false.
defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', false);
* This constant defines in which environment the application is running. Defaults to 'prod', meaning production environment.
* You may define this constant in the bootstrap script. The value could be 'prod' (production), 'dev' (development), 'test', 'staging', etc.
defined('YII_ENV') or define('YII_ENV', 'prod');
* Whether the the application is running in production environment.
defined('YII_ENV_PROD') or define('YII_ENV_PROD', YII_ENV === 'prod');
* Whether the the application is running in development environment.
defined('YII_ENV_DEV') or define('YII_ENV_DEV', YII_ENV === 'dev');
* Whether the the application is running in testing environment.
defined('YII_ENV_TEST') or define('YII_ENV_TEST', YII_ENV === 'test');
* This constant defines whether error handling should be enabled. Defaults to true.
* BaseYii is the core helper class for the Yii framework.
* Do not use BaseYii directly. Instead, use its child class [[\Yii]] which you can replace to
* customize methods of BaseYii.
* @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
* @since 2.0
class BaseYii
* @var array class map used by the Yii autoloading mechanism.
* The array keys are the class names (without leading backslashes), and the array values
* are the corresponding class file paths (or [path aliases](guide:concept-aliases)). This property mainly affects
* how [[autoload()]] works.
* @see autoload()
public static $classMap = [];
* @var \yii\console\Application|\yii\web\Application the application instance
public static $app;
* @var array registered path aliases
* @see getAlias()
* @see setAlias()
public static $aliases = ['@yii' => __DIR__];
* @var Container the dependency injection (DI) container used by [[createObject()]].
* You may use [[Container::set()]] to set up the needed dependencies of classes and
* their initial property values.
* @see createObject()
* @see Container
public static $container;
* Returns a string representing the current version of the Yii framework.
* @return string the version of Yii framework
public static function getVersion()
return '2.0.38';
* Translates a path alias into an actual path.
* The translation is done according to the following procedure:
* 1. If the given alias does not start with '@', it is returned back without change;
* 2. Otherwise, look for the longest registered alias that matches the beginning part
* of the given alias. If it exists, replace the matching part of the given alias with
* the corresponding registered path.
* 3. Throw an exception or return false, depending on the `$throwException` parameter.
* For example, by default '@yii' is registered as the alias to the Yii framework directory,
* say '/path/to/yii'. The alias '@yii/web' would then be translated into '/path/to/yii/web'.
* If you have registered two aliases '@foo' and '@foo/bar'. Then translating '@foo/bar/config'
* would replace the part '@foo/bar' (instead of '@foo') with the corresponding registered path.
* This is because the longest alias takes precedence.
* However, if the alias to be translated is '@foo/barbar/config', then '@foo' will be replaced
* instead of '@foo/bar', because '/' serves as the boundary character.
* Note, this method does not check if the returned path exists or not.
* See the [guide article on aliases](guide:concept-aliases) for more information.
* @param string $alias the alias to be translated.
* @param bool $throwException whether to throw an exception if the given alias is invalid.
* If this is false and an invalid alias is given, false will be returned by this method.
* @return string|bool the path corresponding to the alias, false if the root alias is not previously registered.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException if the alias is invalid while $throwException is true.
* @see setAlias()
public static function getAlias($alias, $throwException = true)
if (strncmp($alias, '@', 1)) {
// not an alias
return $alias;
$pos = strpos($alias, '/');
$root = $pos === false ? $alias : substr($alias, 0, $pos);
if (isset(static::$aliases[$root])) {
if (is_string(static::$aliases[$root])) {
return $pos === false ? static::$aliases[$root] : static::$aliases[$root] . substr($alias, $pos);
foreach (static::$aliases[$root] as $name => $path) {
if (strpos($alias . '/', $name . '/') === 0) {
return $path . substr($alias, strlen($name));
if ($throwException) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid path alias: $alias");
return false;
* Returns the root alias part of a given alias.
* A root alias is an alias that has been registered via [[setAlias()]] previously.
* If a given alias matches multiple root aliases, the longest one will be returned.
* @param string $alias the alias
* @return string|bool the root alias, or false if no root alias is found
public static function getRootAlias($alias)
$pos = strpos($alias, '/');
$root = $pos === false ? $alias : substr($alias, 0, $pos);
if (isset(static::$aliases[$root])) {
if (is_string(static::$aliases[$root])) {
return $root;
foreach (static::$aliases[$root] as $name => $path) {
if (strpos($alias . '/', $name . '/') === 0) {
return $name;
return false;
* Registers a path alias.
* A path alias is a short name representing a long path (a file path, a URL, etc.)
* For example, we use '@yii' as the alias of the path to the Yii framework directory.
* A path alias must start with the character '@' so that it can be easily differentiated
* from non-alias paths.
* Note that this method does not check if the given path exists or not. All it does is
* to associate the alias with the path.
* Any trailing '/' and '\' characters in the given path will be trimmed.
* See the [guide article on aliases](guide:concept-aliases) for more information.
* @param string $alias the alias name (e.g. "@yii"). It must start with a '@' character.
* It may contain the forward slash '/' which serves as boundary character when performing
* alias translation by [[getAlias()]].
* @param string $path the path corresponding to the alias. If this is null, the alias will
* be removed. Trailing '/' and '\' characters will be trimmed. This can be
* - a directory or a file path (e.g. `/tmp`, `/tmp/main.txt`)
* - a URL (e.g. `http://www.yiiframework.com`)
* - a path alias (e.g. `@yii/base`). In this case, the path alias will be converted into the
* actual path first by calling [[getAlias()]].
* @throws InvalidArgumentException if $path is an invalid alias.
* @see getAlias()
public static function setAlias($alias, $path)
if (strncmp($alias, '@', 1)) {
$alias = '@' . $alias;
$pos = strpos($alias, '/');
$root = $pos === false ? $alias : substr($alias, 0, $pos);
if ($path !== null) {
$path = strncmp($path, '@', 1) ? rtrim($path, '\\/') : static::getAlias($path);
if (!isset(static::$aliases[$root])) {
if ($pos === false) {
static::$aliases[$root] = $path;
} else {
static::$aliases[$root] = [$alias => $path];
} elseif (is_string(static::$aliases[$root])) {
if ($pos === false) {
static::$aliases[$root] = $path;
} else {
static::$aliases[$root] = [
$alias => $path,
$root => static::$aliases[$root],
} else {
static::$aliases[$root][$alias] = $path;
} elseif (isset(static::$aliases[$root])) {
if (is_array(static::$aliases[$root])) {
} elseif ($pos === false) {
* Class autoload loader.
* This method is invoked automatically when PHP sees an unknown class.
* The method will attempt to include the class file according to the following procedure:
* 1. Search in [[classMap]];
* 2. If the class is namespaced (e.g. `yii\base\Component`), it will attempt
* to include the file associated with the corresponding path alias
* (e.g. `@yii/base/Component.php`);
* This autoloader allows loading classes that follow the [PSR-4 standard](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/)
* and have its top-level namespace or sub-namespaces defined as path aliases.
* Example: When aliases `@yii` and `@yii/bootstrap` are defined, classes in the `yii\bootstrap` namespace
* will be loaded using the `@yii/bootstrap` alias which points to the directory where bootstrap extension
* files are installed and all classes from other `yii` namespaces will be loaded from the yii framework directory.
* Also the [guide section on autoloading](guide:concept-autoloading).
* @param string $className the fully qualified class name without a leading backslash "\"
* @throws UnknownClassException if the class does not exist in the class file
public static function autoload($className)
if (isset(static::$classMap[$className])) {
$classFile = static::$classMap[$className];
if ($classFile[0] === '@') {
$classFile = static::getAlias($classFile);
} elseif (strpos($className, '\\') !== false) {
$classFile = static::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', $className) . '.php', false);
if ($classFile === false || !is_file($classFile)) {
} else {
include $classFile;
if (YII_DEBUG && !class_exists($className, false) && !interface_exists($className, false) && !trait_exists($className, false)) {
throw new UnknownClassException("Unable to find '$className' in file: $classFile. Namespace missing?");
* Creates a new object using the given configuration.
* You may view this method as an enhanced version of the `new` operator.
* The method supports creating an object based on a class name, a configuration array or
* an anonymous function.
* Below are some usage examples:
* ```php
* // create an object using a class name
* $object = Yii::createObject('yii\db\Connection');
* // create an object using a configuration array
* $object = Yii::createObject([
* 'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',
* 'dsn' => 'mysql:host=;dbname=demo',
* 'username' => 'root',
* 'password' => '',
* 'charset' => 'utf8',
* ]);
* // create an object with two constructor parameters
* $object = \Yii::createObject('MyClass', [$param1, $param2]);
* ```
* Using [[\yii\di\Container|dependency injection container]], this method can also identify
* dependent objects, instantiate them and inject them into the newly created object.
* @param string|array|callable $type the object type. This can be specified in one of the following forms:
* - a string: representing the class name of the object to be created
* - a configuration array: the array must contain a `class` element which is treated as the object class,
* and the rest of the name-value pairs will be used to initialize the corresponding object properties
* - a PHP callable: either an anonymous function or an array representing a class method (`[$class or $object, $method]`).
* The callable should return a new instance of the object being created.
* @param array $params the constructor parameters
* @return object the created object
* @throws InvalidConfigException if the configuration is invalid.
* @see \yii\di\Container
public static function createObject($type, array $params = [])
if (is_string($type)) {
return static::$container->get($type, $params);
if (is_callable($type, true)) {
return static::$container->invoke($type, $params);
if (!is_array($type)) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('Unsupported configuration type: ' . gettype($type));
if (isset($type['__class'])) {
$class = $type['__class'];
unset($type['__class'], $type['class']);
return static::$container->get($class, $params, $type);
if (isset($type['class'])) {
$class = $type['class'];
return static::$container->get($class, $params, $type);
throw new InvalidConfigException('Object configuration must be an array containing a "class" or "__class" element.');
private static $_logger;
* @return Logger message logger
public static function getLogger()
if (self::$_logger !== null) {
return self::$_logger;
return self::$_logger = static::createObject('yii\log\Logger');
* Sets the logger object.
* @param Logger $logger the logger object.
public static function setLogger($logger)
self::$_logger = $logger;
* Logs a debug message.
* Trace messages are logged mainly for development purpose to see
* the execution work flow of some code. This method will only log
* a message when the application is in debug mode.
* @param string|array $message the message to be logged. This can be a simple string or a more
* complex data structure, such as array.
* @param string $category the category of the message.
* @since 2.0.14
public static function debug($message, $category = 'application')
if (YII_DEBUG) {
static::getLogger()->log($message, Logger::LEVEL_TRACE, $category);
* Alias of [[debug()]].
* @param string|array $message the message to be logged. This can be a simple string or a more
* complex data structure, such as array.
* @param string $category the category of the message.
* @deprecated since 2.0.14. Use [[debug()]] instead.
public static function trace($message, $category = 'application')
static::debug($message, $category);
* Logs an error message.
* An error message is typically logged when an unrecoverable error occurs
* during the execution of an application.
* @param string|array $message the message to be logged. This can be a simple string or a more
* complex data structure, such as array.
* @param string $category the category of the message.
public static function error($message, $category = 'application')
static::getLogger()->log($message, Logger::LEVEL_ERROR, $category);
* Logs a warning message.
* A warning message is typically logged when an error occurs while the execution
* can still continue.
* @param string|array $message the message to be logged. This can be a simple string or a more
* complex data structure, such as array.
* @param string $category the category of the message.
public static function warning($message, $category = 'application')
static::getLogger()->log($message, Logger::LEVEL_WARNING, $category);
* Logs an informative message.
* An informative message is typically logged by an application to keep record of
* something important (e.g. an administrator logs in).
* @param string|array $message the message to be logged. This can be a simple string or a more
* complex data structure, such as array.
* @param string $category the category of the message.
public static function info($message, $category = 'application')
static::getLogger()->log($message, Logger::LEVEL_INFO, $category);
* Marks the beginning of a code block for profiling.
* This has to be matched with a call to [[endProfile]] with the same category name.
* The begin- and end- calls must also be properly nested. For example,
* ```php
* \Yii::beginProfile('block1');
* // some code to be profiled
* \Yii::beginProfile('block2');
* // some other code to be profiled
* \Yii::endProfile('block2');
* \Yii::endProfile('block1');
* ```
* @param string $token token for the code block
* @param string $category the category of this log message
* @see endProfile()
public static function beginProfile($token, $category = 'application')
static::getLogger()->log($token, Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE_BEGIN, $category);
* Marks the end of a code block for profiling.
* This has to be matched with a previous call to [[beginProfile]] with the same category name.
* @param string $token token for the code block
* @param string $category the category of this log message
* @see beginProfile()
public static function endProfile($token, $category = 'application')
static::getLogger()->log($token, Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE_END, $category);
* Returns an HTML hyperlink that can be displayed on your Web page showing "Powered by Yii Framework" information.
* @return string an HTML hyperlink that can be displayed on your Web page showing "Powered by Yii Framework" information
* @deprecated since 2.0.14, this method will be removed in 2.1.0.
public static function powered()
return \Yii::t('yii', 'Powered by {yii}', [
'yii' => '<a href="http://www.yiiframework.com/" rel="external">' . \Yii::t('yii',
'Yii Framework') . '</a>',
* Translates a message to the specified language.
* This is a shortcut method of [[\yii\i18n\I18N::translate()]].
* The translation will be conducted according to the message category and the target language will be used.
* You can add parameters to a translation message that will be substituted with the corresponding value after
* translation. The format for this is to use curly brackets around the parameter name as you can see in the following example:
* ```php
* $username = 'Alexander';
* echo \Yii::t('app', 'Hello, {username}!', ['username' => $username]);
* ```
* Further formatting of message parameters is supported using the [PHP intl extensions](https://secure.php.net/manual/en/intro.intl.php)
* message formatter. See [[\yii\i18n\I18N::translate()]] for more details.
* @param string $category the message category.
* @param string $message the message to be translated.
* @param array $params the parameters that will be used to replace the corresponding placeholders in the message.
* @param string $language the language code (e.g. `en-US`, `en`). If this is null, the current
* [[\yii\base\Application::language|application language]] will be used.
* @return string the translated message.
public static function t($category, $message, $params = [], $language = null)
if (static::$app !== null) {
return static::$app->getI18n()->translate($category, $message, $params, $language ?: static::$app->language);
$placeholders = [];
foreach ((array) $params as $name => $value) {
$placeholders['{' . $name . '}'] = $value;
return ($placeholders === []) ? $message : strtr($message, $placeholders);
* Configures an object with the initial property values.
* @param object $object the object to be configured
* @param array $properties the property initial values given in terms of name-value pairs.
* @return object the object itself
public static function configure($object, $properties)
foreach ($properties as $name => $value) {
$object->$name = $value;
return $object;
* Returns the public member variables of an object.
* This method is provided such that we can get the public member variables of an object.
* It is different from "get_object_vars()" because the latter will return private
* and protected variables if it is called within the object itself.
* @param object $object the object to be handled
* @return array the public member variables of the object
public static function getObjectVars($object)
return get_object_vars($object);
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