public function executeCommand($name, $params = [])
array_unshift($params, $name);
$command = '*' . count($params) . "\r\n";
foreach ($params as $arg) {
$command .= '$' . mb_strlen($arg, '8bit') . "\r\n" . $arg . "\r\n";
\Yii::trace("Executing Redis Command: {$name}", __METHOD__);
fwrite($this->_socket, $command);
return $this->parseResponse(implode(' ', $params));
Redis 通讯协议 请求
新的统一协议已在Redis 1.2中引入,但是在Redis 2.0中,这就成为了与Redis服务器通讯的标准方式。
*<number of arguments> CR LF
$<number of bytes of argument 1> CR LF
<argument data> CR LF
$<number of bytes of argument N> CR LF
<argument data> CR LF
*开头,表示有多少个参数,例如*3表示有3个参数(set, name, value)
就是 SET 设置 mykey =》 myvalue
Redis 通讯协议 回复
状态回复(status reply)的第一个字节是 "+",例如 +OK\r\n
错误回复(error reply)的第一个字节是 "-",例如 -No such key\r\n
整数回复(integer reply)的第一个字节是 ":",例如 :1\r\n
批量回复(bulk reply)的第一个字节是 "$",例如 $5\r\nwuzhc\r\n
多条批量回复(multi bulk reply)的第一个字节是 "*",例如 *2\r\n$5\r\nwuzhc\r\n$3r\nage\r\n
Simple Strings单行回复
private function parseResponse($command)
if (($line = fgets($this->_socket)) === false) {
throw new Exception("Failed to read from socket.\nRedis command was: " . $command);
$type = $line[0];
$line = mb_substr($line, 1, -2, '8bit');
switch ($type) {
case '+': // Status reply
if ($line === 'OK' || $line === 'PONG') {
return true;
} else {
return $line;
case '-': // Error reply
throw new Exception("Redis error: " . $line . "\nRedis command was: " . $command);
case ':': // Integer reply
// no cast to int as it is in the range of a signed 64 bit integer
return $line;
case '$': // Bulk replies
if ($line == '-1') {
return null;
$length = $line + 2;
$data = '';
while ($length > 0) {
if (($block = fread($this->_socket, $length)) === false) {
throw new Exception("Failed to read from socket.\nRedis command was: " . $command);
$data .= $block;
$length -= mb_strlen($block, '8bit');
return mb_substr($data, 0, -2, '8bit');
case '*': // Multi-bulk replies
$count = (int) $line;
$data = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$data[] = $this->parseResponse($command);
return $data;
throw new Exception('Received illegal data from redis: ' . $line . "\nRedis command was: " . $command);
我们分析一下这个拓展,会发现这里php与redis通信使用的是socket协议,用的连接函数是 stream_socket_client()
public function open()
if ($this->_socket !== false) {
$connection = ($this->unixSocket ?: $this->hostname . ':' . $this->port) . ', database=' . $this->database;
\Yii::trace('Opening redis DB connection: ' . $connection, __METHOD__);
$this->_socket = @stream_socket_client(
$this->unixSocket ? 'unix://' . $this->unixSocket : 'tcp://' . $this->hostname . ':' . $this->port,
$this->connectionTimeout ? $this->connectionTimeout : ini_get("default_socket_timeout"),
if ($this->_socket) {
if ($this->dataTimeout !== null) {
stream_set_timeout($this->_socket, $timeout = (int) $this->dataTimeout, (int) (($this->dataTimeout - $timeout) * 1000000));
if ($this->password !== null) {
$this->executeCommand('AUTH', [$this->password]);
$this->executeCommand('SELECT', [$this->database]);
} else {
\Yii::error("Failed to open redis DB connection ($connection): $errorNumber - $errorDescription", __CLASS__);
$message = YII_DEBUG ? "Failed to open redis DB connection ($connection): $errorNumber - $errorDescription" : 'Failed to open DB connection.';
throw new Exception($message, $errorDescription, (int) $errorNumber);
关闭与redis的连接,使用了php的魔术方法 __sleep() :
public function __sleep()
return array_keys(get_object_vars($this));
public function close()
if ($this->_socket !== false) {
$connection = ($this->unixSocket ?: $this->hostname . ':' . $this->port) . ', database=' . $this->database;
\Yii::trace('Closing DB connection: ' . $connection, __METHOD__);
stream_socket_shutdown($this->_socket, STREAM_SHUT_RDWR);
$this->_socket = null;
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\redis;
use yii\base\Component;
use yii\db\Exception;
use yii\helpers\Inflector;
* The redis connection class is used to establish a connection to a [redis](http://redis.io/) server.
* By default it assumes there is a redis server running on localhost at port 6379 and uses the database number 0.
* It is possible to connect to a redis server using [[hostname]] and [[port]] or using a [[unixSocket]].
* It also supports [the AUTH command](http://redis.io/commands/auth) of redis.
* When the server needs authentication, you can set the [[password]] property to
* authenticate with the server after connect.
* The execution of [redis commands](http://redis.io/commands) is possible with via [[executeCommand()]].
* @method mixed set($key, $value) Set the string value of a key
* @method mixed get($key) Set the string value of a key
* TODO document methods
* @property string $driverName Name of the DB driver. This property is read-only.
* @property boolean $isActive Whether the DB connection is established. This property is read-only.
* @property LuaScriptBuilder $luaScriptBuilder This property is read-only.
* @author Carsten Brandt <mail@cebe.cc>
* @since 2.0
class Connection extends Component
* @event Event an event that is triggered after a DB connection is established
const EVENT_AFTER_OPEN = 'afterOpen';
* @var string the hostname or ip address to use for connecting to the redis server. Defaults to 'localhost'.
* If [[unixSocket]] is specified, hostname and port will be ignored.
public $hostname = 'localhost';
* @var integer the port to use for connecting to the redis server. Default port is 6379.
* If [[unixSocket]] is specified, hostname and port will be ignored.
public $port = 6379;
* @var string the unix socket path (e.g. `/var/run/redis/redis.sock`) to use for connecting to the redis server.
* This can be used instead of [[hostname]] and [[port]] to connect to the server using a unix socket.
* If a unix socket path is specified, [[hostname]] and [[port]] will be ignored.
* @since 2.0.1
public $unixSocket;
* @var string the password for establishing DB connection. Defaults to null meaning no AUTH command is send.
* See http://redis.io/commands/auth
public $password;
* @var integer the redis database to use. This is an integer value starting from 0. Defaults to 0.
public $database = 0;
* @var float timeout to use for connection to redis. If not set the timeout set in php.ini will be used: ini_get("default_socket_timeout")
public $connectionTimeout = null;
* @var float timeout to use for redis socket when reading and writing data. If not set the php default value will be used.
public $dataTimeout = null;
* @var integer Bitmask field which may be set to any combination of connection flags passed to [stream_socket_client()](http://php.net/manual/en/function.stream-socket-client.php).
* Currently the select of connection flags is limited to `STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT` (default), `STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT` and `STREAM_CLIENT_PERSISTENT`.
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.stream-socket-client.php
* @since 2.0.5
public $socketClientFlags = STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT;
* @var array List of available redis commands http://redis.io/commands
public $redisCommands = [
'BLPOP', // key [key ...] timeout Remove and get the first element in a list, or block until one is available
'BRPOP', // key [key ...] timeout Remove and get the last element in a list, or block until one is available
'BRPOPLPUSH', // source destination timeout Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available
'CLIENT KILL', // ip:port Kill the connection of a client
'CLIENT LIST', // Get the list of client connections
'CLIENT GETNAME', // Get the current connection name
'CLIENT SETNAME', // connection-name Set the current connection name
'CONFIG GET', // parameter Get the value of a configuration parameter
'CONFIG SET', // parameter value Set a configuration parameter to the given value
'CONFIG RESETSTAT', // Reset the stats returned by INFO
'DBSIZE', // Return the number of keys in the selected database
'DEBUG OBJECT', // key Get debugging information about a key
'DEBUG SEGFAULT', // Make the server crash
'DECR', // key Decrement the integer value of a key by one
'DECRBY', // key decrement Decrement the integer value of a key by the given number
'DEL', // key [key ...] Delete a key
'DISCARD', // Discard all commands issued after MULTI
'DUMP', // key Return a serialized version of the value stored at the specified key.
'ECHO', // message Echo the given string
'EVAL', // script numkeys key [key ...] arg [arg ...] Execute a Lua script server side
'EVALSHA', // sha1 numkeys key [key ...] arg [arg ...] Execute a Lua script server side
'EXEC', // Execute all commands issued after MULTI
'EXISTS', // key Determine if a key exists
'EXPIRE', // key seconds Set a key's time to live in seconds
'EXPIREAT', // key timestamp Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp
'FLUSHALL', // Remove all keys from all databases
'FLUSHDB', // Remove all keys from the current database
'GET', // key Get the value of a key
'GETBIT', // key offset Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key
'GETRANGE', // key start end Get a substring of the string stored at a key
'GETSET', // key value Set the string value of a key and return its old value
'HDEL', // key field [field ...] Delete one or more hash fields
'HEXISTS', // key field Determine if a hash field exists
'HGET', // key field Get the value of a hash field
'HGETALL', // key Get all the fields and values in a hash
'HINCRBY', // key field increment Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given number
'HINCRBYFLOAT', // key field increment Increment the float value of a hash field by the given amount
'HKEYS', // key Get all the fields in a hash
'HLEN', // key Get the number of fields in a hash
'HMGET', // key field [field ...] Get the values of all the given hash fields
'HMSET', // key field value [field value ...] Set multiple hash fields to multiple values
'HSET', // key field value Set the string value of a hash field
'HSETNX', // key field value Set the value of a hash field, only if the field does not exist
'HVALS', // key Get all the values in a hash
'INCR', // key Increment the integer value of a key by one
'INCRBY', // key increment Increment the integer value of a key by the given amount
'INCRBYFLOAT', // key increment Increment the float value of a key by the given amount
'INFO', // [section] Get information and statistics about the server
'KEYS', // pattern Find all keys matching the given pattern
'LASTSAVE', // Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk
'LINDEX', // key index Get an element from a list by its index
'LINSERT', // key BEFORE|AFTER pivot value Insert an element before or after another element in a list
'LLEN', // key Get the length of a list
'LPOP', // key Remove and get the first element in a list
'LPUSH', // key value [value ...] Prepend one or multiple values to a list
'LPUSHX', // key value Prepend a value to a list, only if the list exists
'LRANGE', // key start stop Get a range of elements from a list
'LREM', // key count value Remove elements from a list
'LSET', // key index value Set the value of an element in a list by its index
'LTRIM', // key start stop Trim a list to the specified range
'MGET', // key [key ...] Get the values of all the given keys
'MIGRATE', // host port key destination-db timeout Atomically transfer a key from a Redis instance to another one.
'MONITOR', // Listen for all requests received by the server in real time
'MOVE', // key db Move a key to another database
'MSET', // key value [key value ...] Set multiple keys to multiple values
'MSETNX', // key value [key value ...] Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist
'MULTI', // Mark the start of a transaction block
'OBJECT', // subcommand [arguments [arguments ...]] Inspect the internals of Redis objects
'PERSIST', // key Remove the expiration from a key
'PEXPIRE', // key milliseconds Set a key's time to live in milliseconds
'PEXPIREAT', // key milliseconds-timestamp Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds
'PING', // Ping the server
'PSETEX', // key milliseconds value Set the value and expiration in milliseconds of a key
'PSUBSCRIBE', // pattern [pattern ...] Listen for messages published to channels matching the given patterns
'PTTL', // key Get the time to live for a key in milliseconds
'PUBLISH', // channel message Post a message to a channel
'PUNSUBSCRIBE', // [pattern [pattern ...]] Stop listening for messages posted to channels matching the given patterns
'QUIT', // Close the connection
'RANDOMKEY', // Return a random key from the keyspace
'RENAME', // key newkey Rename a key
'RENAMENX', // key newkey Rename a key, only if the new key does not exist
'RESTORE', // key ttl serialized-value Create a key using the provided serialized value, previously obtained using DUMP.
'RPOP', // key Remove and get the last element in a list
'RPOPLPUSH', // source destination Remove the last element in a list, append it to another list and return it
'RPUSH', // key value [value ...] Append one or multiple values to a list
'RPUSHX', // key value Append a value to a list, only if the list exists
'SADD', // key member [member ...] Add one or more members to a set
'SAVE', // Synchronously save the dataset to disk
'SCARD', // key Get the number of members in a set
'SCRIPT EXISTS', // script [script ...] Check existence of scripts in the script cache.
'SCRIPT FLUSH', // Remove all the scripts from the script cache.
'SCRIPT KILL', // Kill the script currently in execution.
'SCRIPT LOAD', // script Load the specified Lua script into the script cache.
'SDIFF', // key [key ...] Subtract multiple sets
'SDIFFSTORE', // destination key [key ...] Subtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key
'SELECT', // index Change the selected database for the current connection
'SET', // key value Set the string value of a key
'SETBIT', // key offset value Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key
'SETEX', // key seconds value Set the value and expiration of a key
'SETNX', // key value Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist
'SETRANGE', // key offset value Overwrite part of a string at key starting at the specified offset
'SHUTDOWN', // [NOSAVE] [SAVE] Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down the server
'SINTER', // key [key ...] Intersect multiple sets
'SINTERSTORE', // destination key [key ...] Intersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key
'SISMEMBER', // key member Determine if a given value is a member of a set
'SLAVEOF', // host port Make the server a slave of another instance, or promote it as master
'SLOWLOG', // subcommand [argument] Manages the Redis slow queries log
'SMEMBERS', // key Get all the members in a set
'SMOVE', // source destination member Move a member from one set to another
'SORT', // key [BY pattern] [LIMIT offset count] [GET pattern [GET pattern ...]] [ASC|DESC] [ALPHA] [STORE destination] Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set
'SPOP', // key Remove and return a random member from a set
'SRANDMEMBER', // key [count] Get one or multiple random members from a set
'SREM', // key member [member ...] Remove one or more members from a set
'STRLEN', // key Get the length of the value stored in a key
'SUBSCRIBE', // channel [channel ...] Listen for messages published to the given channels
'SUNION', // key [key ...] Add multiple sets
'SUNIONSTORE', // destination key [key ...] Add multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key
'SYNC', // Internal command used for replication
'TIME', // Return the current server time
'TTL', // key Get the time to live for a key
'TYPE', // key Determine the type stored at key
'UNSUBSCRIBE', // [channel [channel ...]] Stop listening for messages posted to the given channels
'UNWATCH', // Forget about all watched keys
'WATCH', // key [key ...] Watch the given keys to determine execution of the MULTI/EXEC block
'ZADD', // key score member [score member ...] Add one or more members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists
'ZCARD', // key Get the number of members in a sorted set
'ZCOUNT', // key min max Count the members in a sorted set with scores within the given values
'ZINCRBY', // key increment member Increment the score of a member in a sorted set
'ZINTERSTORE', // destination numkeys key [key ...] [WEIGHTS weight [weight ...]] [AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX] Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key
'ZRANGE', // key start stop [WITHSCORES] Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index
'ZRANGEBYSCORE', // key min max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score
'ZRANK', // key member Determine the index of a member in a sorted set
'ZREM', // key member [member ...] Remove one or more members from a sorted set
'ZREMRANGEBYRANK', // key start stop Remove all members in a sorted set within the given indexes
'ZREMRANGEBYSCORE', // key min max Remove all members in a sorted set within the given scores
'ZREVRANGE', // key start stop [WITHSCORES] Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low
'ZREVRANGEBYSCORE', // key max min [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low
'ZREVRANK', // key member Determine the index of a member in a sorted set, with scores ordered from high to low
'ZSCORE', // key member Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set
'ZUNIONSTORE', // destination numkeys key [key ...] [WEIGHTS weight [weight ...]] [AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX] Add multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key
'GEOADD', // key longitude latitude member [longitude latitude member ...] Add point
'GEODIST', // key member1 member2 [unit] Return the distance between two members
'GEOHASH', // key member [member ...] Return valid Geohash strings
'GEOPOS', // key member [member ...] Return the positions (longitude,latitude)
'GEORADIUS', // key longitude latitude radius m|km|ft|mi [WITHCOORD] [WITHDIST] [WITHHASH] [COUNT count] Return the members
'GEORADIUSBYMEMBER', // key member radius m|km|ft|mi [WITHCOORD] [WITHDIST] [WITHHASH] [COUNT count]
* @var resource redis socket connection
private $_socket = false;
* Closes the connection when this component is being serialized.
* @return array
public function __sleep()
return array_keys(get_object_vars($this));
* Returns a value indicating whether the DB connection is established.
* @return boolean whether the DB connection is established
public function getIsActive()
return $this->_socket !== false;
* Establishes a DB connection.
* It does nothing if a DB connection has already been established.
* @throws Exception if connection fails
public function open()
if ($this->_socket !== false) {
$connection = ($this->unixSocket ?: $this->hostname . ':' . $this->port) . ', database=' . $this->database;
\Yii::trace('Opening redis DB connection: ' . $connection, __METHOD__);
$this->_socket = @stream_socket_client(
$this->unixSocket ? 'unix://' . $this->unixSocket : 'tcp://' . $this->hostname . ':' . $this->port,
$this->connectionTimeout ? $this->connectionTimeout : ini_get("default_socket_timeout"),
if ($this->_socket) {
if ($this->dataTimeout !== null) {
stream_set_timeout($this->_socket, $timeout = (int) $this->dataTimeout, (int) (($this->dataTimeout - $timeout) * 1000000));
if ($this->password !== null) {
$this->executeCommand('AUTH', [$this->password]);
$this->executeCommand('SELECT', [$this->database]);
} else {
\Yii::error("Failed to open redis DB connection ($connection): $errorNumber - $errorDescription", __CLASS__);
$message = YII_DEBUG ? "Failed to open redis DB connection ($connection): $errorNumber - $errorDescription" : 'Failed to open DB connection.';
throw new Exception($message, $errorDescription, (int) $errorNumber);
* Closes the currently active DB connection.
* It does nothing if the connection is already closed.
public function close()
if ($this->_socket !== false) {
$connection = ($this->unixSocket ?: $this->hostname . ':' . $this->port) . ', database=' . $this->database;
\Yii::trace('Closing DB connection: ' . $connection, __METHOD__);
stream_socket_shutdown($this->_socket, STREAM_SHUT_RDWR);
$this->_socket = null;
* Initializes the DB connection.
* This method is invoked right after the DB connection is established.
* The default implementation triggers an [[EVENT_AFTER_OPEN]] event.
protected function initConnection()
* Returns the name of the DB driver for the current [[dsn]].
* @return string name of the DB driver
public function getDriverName()
return 'redis';
* @return LuaScriptBuilder
public function getLuaScriptBuilder()
return new LuaScriptBuilder();
* Allows issuing all supported commands via magic methods.
* ```php
* $redis->hmset(['test_collection', 'key1', 'val1', 'key2', 'val2'])
* ```
* @param string $name name of the missing method to execute
* @param array $params method call arguments
* @return mixed
public function __call($name, $params)
$redisCommand = strtoupper(Inflector::camel2words($name, false));
if (in_array($redisCommand, $this->redisCommands)) {
return $this->executeCommand($name, $params);
} else {
return parent::__call($name, $params);
* Executes a redis command.
* For a list of available commands and their parameters see http://redis.io/commands.
* @param string $name the name of the command
* @param array $params list of parameters for the command
* @return array|boolean|null|string Dependent on the executed command this method
* will return different data types:
* - `true` for commands that return "status reply" with the message `'OK'` or `'PONG'`.
* - `string` for commands that return "status reply" that does not have the message `OK` (since version 2.0.1).
* - `string` for commands that return "integer reply"
* as the value is in the range of a signed 64 bit integer.
* - `string` or `null` for commands that return "bulk reply".
* - `array` for commands that return "Multi-bulk replies".
* See [redis protocol description](http://redis.io/topics/protocol)
* for details on the mentioned reply types.
* @throws Exception for commands that return [error reply](http://redis.io/topics/protocol#error-reply).
public function executeCommand($name, $params = [])
array_unshift($params, $name);
$command = '*' . count($params) . "\r\n";
foreach ($params as $arg) {
$command .= '$' . mb_strlen($arg, '8bit') . "\r\n" . $arg . "\r\n";
\Yii::trace("Executing Redis Command: {$name}", __METHOD__);
fwrite($this->_socket, $command);
return $this->parseResponse(implode(' ', $params));
* @param string $command
* @return mixed
* @throws Exception on error
private function parseResponse($command)
if (($line = fgets($this->_socket)) === false) {
throw new Exception("Failed to read from socket.\nRedis command was: " . $command);
$type = $line[0];
$line = mb_substr($line, 1, -2, '8bit');
switch ($type) {
case '+': // Status reply
if ($line === 'OK' || $line === 'PONG') {
return true;
} else {
return $line;
case '-': // Error reply
throw new Exception("Redis error: " . $line . "\nRedis command was: " . $command);
case ':': // Integer reply
// no cast to int as it is in the range of a signed 64 bit integer
return $line;
case '$': // Bulk replies
if ($line == '-1') {
return null;
$length = $line + 2;
$data = '';
while ($length > 0) {
if (($block = fread($this->_socket, $length)) === false) {
throw new Exception("Failed to read from socket.\nRedis command was: " . $command);
$data .= $block;
$length -= mb_strlen($block, '8bit');
return mb_substr($data, 0, -2, '8bit');
case '*': // Multi-bulk replies
$count = (int) $line;
$data = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$data[] = $this->parseResponse($command);
return $data;
throw new Exception('Received illegal data from redis: ' . $line . "\nRedis command was: " . $command);
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\redis;
use Yii;
use yii\di\Instance;
* Redis Cache implements a cache application component based on [redis](http://redis.io/) key-value store.
* Redis Cache requires redis version 2.6.12 or higher to work properly.
* It needs to be configured with a redis [[Connection]] that is also configured as an application component.
* By default it will use the `redis` application component.
* See [[Cache]] manual for common cache operations that redis Cache supports.
* Unlike the [[Cache]], redis Cache allows the expire parameter of [[set]], [[add]], [[mset]] and [[madd]] to
* be a floating point number, so you may specify the time in milliseconds (e.g. 0.1 will be 100 milliseconds).
* To use redis Cache as the cache application component, configure the application as follows,
* ~~~
* [
* 'components' => [
* 'cache' => [
* 'class' => 'yii\redis\Cache',
* 'redis' => [
* 'hostname' => 'localhost',
* 'port' => 6379,
* 'database' => 0,
* ]
* ],
* ],
* ]
* ~~~
* Or if you have configured the redis [[Connection]] as an application component, the following is sufficient:
* ~~~
* [
* 'components' => [
* 'cache' => [
* 'class' => 'yii\redis\Cache',
* // 'redis' => 'redis' // id of the connection application component
* ],
* ],
* ]
* ~~~
* @author Carsten Brandt <mail@cebe.cc>
* @since 2.0
class Cache extends \yii\caching\Cache
* @var Connection|string|array the Redis [[Connection]] object or the application component ID of the Redis [[Connection]].
* This can also be an array that is used to create a redis [[Connection]] instance in case you do not want do configure
* redis connection as an application component.
* After the Cache object is created, if you want to change this property, you should only assign it
* with a Redis [[Connection]] object.
public $redis = 'redis';
* Initializes the redis Cache component.
* This method will initialize the [[redis]] property to make sure it refers to a valid redis connection.
* @throws InvalidConfigException if [[redis]] is invalid.
public function init()
$this->redis = Instance::ensure($this->redis, Connection::className());
* Checks whether a specified key exists in the cache.
* This can be faster than getting the value from the cache if the data is big.
* Note that this method does not check whether the dependency associated
* with the cached data, if there is any, has changed. So a call to [[get]]
* may return false while exists returns true.
* @param mixed $key a key identifying the cached value. This can be a simple string or
* a complex data structure consisting of factors representing the key.
* @return boolean true if a value exists in cache, false if the value is not in the cache or expired.
public function exists($key)
return (bool) $this->redis->executeCommand('EXISTS', [$this->buildKey($key)]);
* @inheritdoc
protected function getValue($key)
return $this->redis->executeCommand('GET', [$key]);
* @inheritdoc
protected function getValues($keys)
$response = $this->redis->executeCommand('MGET', $keys);
$result = [];
$i = 0;
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$result[$key] = $response[$i++];
return $result;
* @inheritdoc
protected function setValue($key, $value, $expire)
if ($expire == 0) {
return (bool) $this->redis->executeCommand('SET', [$key, $value]);
} else {
$expire = (int) ($expire * 1000);
return (bool) $this->redis->executeCommand('SET', [$key, $value, 'PX', $expire]);
* @inheritdoc
protected function setValues($data, $expire)
$args = [];
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$args[] = $key;
$args[] = $value;
$failedKeys = [];
if ($expire == 0) {
$this->redis->executeCommand('MSET', $args);
} else {
$expire = (int) ($expire * 1000);
$this->redis->executeCommand('MSET', $args);
$index = [];
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$this->redis->executeCommand('PEXPIRE', [$key, $expire]);
$index[] = $key;
$result = $this->redis->executeCommand('EXEC');
foreach ($result as $i => $r) {
if ($r != 1) {
$failedKeys[] = $index[$i];
return $failedKeys;
* @inheritdoc
protected function addValue($key, $value, $expire)
if ($expire == 0) {
return (bool) $this->redis->executeCommand('SET', [$key, $value, 'NX']);
} else {
$expire = (int) ($expire * 1000);
return (bool) $this->redis->executeCommand('SET', [$key, $value, 'PX', $expire, 'NX']);
* @inheritdoc
protected function deleteValue($key)
return (bool) $this->redis->executeCommand('DEL', [$key]);
* @inheritdoc
protected function flushValues()
return $this->redis->executeCommand('FLUSHDB');
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* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\redis;
use Yii;
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
use yii\db\BaseActiveRecord;
use yii\helpers\Inflector;
use yii\helpers\StringHelper;
* ActiveRecord is the base class for classes representing relational data in terms of objects.
* This class implements the ActiveRecord pattern for the [redis](http://redis.io/) key-value store.
* For defining a record a subclass should at least implement the [[attributes()]] method to define
* attributes. A primary key can be defined via [[primaryKey()]] which defaults to `id` if not specified.
* The following is an example model called `Customer`:
* php
* class Customer extends \yii\redis\ActiveRecord
* {
* public function attributes()
* {
* return ['id', 'name', 'address', 'registration_date'];
* }
* }
* @author Carsten Brandt <mail@cebe.cc>
* @since 2.0
class ActiveRecord extends BaseActiveRecord
* Returns the database connection used by this AR class.
* By default, the "redis" application component is used as the database connection.
* You may override this method if you want to use a different database connection.
* @return Connection the database connection used by this AR class.
public static function getDb()
return Yii::$app->get('redis');
* @inheritdoc
* @return ActiveQuery the newly created [[ActiveQuery]] instance.
public static function find()
return Yii::createObject(ActiveQuery::className(), [get_called_class()]);
* Returns the primary key name(s) for this AR class.
* This method should be overridden by child classes to define the primary key.
* Note that an array should be returned even when it is a single primary key.
* @return string[] the primary keys of this record.
public static function primaryKey()
return ['id'];
* Returns the list of all attribute names of the model.
* This method must be overridden by child classes to define available attributes.
* @return array list of attribute names.
public function attributes()
throw new InvalidConfigException('The attributes() method of redis ActiveRecord has to be implemented by child classes.');
* Declares prefix of the key that represents the keys that store this records in redis.
* By default this method returns the class name as the table name by calling [[Inflector::camel2id()]].
* For example, 'Customer' becomes 'customer', and 'OrderItem' becomes
* 'order_item'. You may override this method if you want different key naming.
* @return string the prefix to apply to all AR keys
public static function keyPrefix()
return Inflector::camel2id(StringHelper::basename(get_called_class()), '_');
* @inheritdoc
public function insert($runValidation = true, $attributes = null)
if ($runValidation && !$this->validate($attributes)) {
return false;
if (!$this->beforeSave(true)) {
return false;
$db = static::getDb();
$values = $this->getDirtyAttributes($attributes);
$pk = [];
foreach ($this->primaryKey() as $key) {
$pk[$key] = $values[$key] = $this->getAttribute($key);
if ($pk[$key] === null) {
// use auto increment if pk is null
$pk[$key] = $values[$key] = $db->executeCommand('INCR', [static::keyPrefix() . ':s:' . $key]);
$this->setAttribute($key, $values[$key]);
} elseif (is_numeric($pk[$key])) {
// if pk is numeric update auto increment value
$currentPk = $db->executeCommand('GET', [static::keyPrefix() . ':s:' . $key]);
if ($pk[$key] > $currentPk) {
$db->executeCommand('SET', [static::keyPrefix() . ':s:' . $key, $pk[$key]]);
// save pk in a findall pool
$db->executeCommand('RPUSH', [static::keyPrefix(), static::buildKey($pk)]);
$key = static::keyPrefix() . ':a:' . static::buildKey($pk);
// save attributes
$setArgs = [$key];
foreach ($values as $attribute => $value) {
// only insert attributes that are not null
if ($value !== null) {
if (is_bool($value)) {
$value = (int) $value;
$setArgs[] = $attribute;
$setArgs[] = $value;
if (count($setArgs) > 1) {
$db->executeCommand('HMSET', $setArgs);
$changedAttributes = array_fill_keys(array_keys($values), null);
$this->afterSave(true, $changedAttributes);
return true;
* Updates the whole table using the provided attribute values and conditions.
* For example, to change the status to be 1 for all customers whose status is 2:
* ~~~
* Customer::updateAll(['status' => 1], ['id' => 2]);
* ~~~
* @param array $attributes attribute values (name-value pairs) to be saved into the table
* @param array $condition the conditions that will be put in the WHERE part of the UPDATE SQL.
* Please refer to [[ActiveQuery::where()]] on how to specify this parameter.
* @return integer the number of rows updated
public static function updateAll($attributes, $condition = null)
if (empty($attributes)) {
return 0;
$db = static::getDb();
$n = 0;
foreach (self::fetchPks($condition) as $pk) {
$newPk = $pk;
$pk = static::buildKey($pk);
$key = static::keyPrefix() . ':a:' . $pk;
// save attributes
$delArgs = [$key];
$setArgs = [$key];
foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $value) {
if (isset($newPk[$attribute])) {
$newPk[$attribute] = $value;
if ($value !== null) {
if (is_bool($value)) {
$value = (int) $value;
$setArgs[] = $attribute;
$setArgs[] = $value;
} else {
$delArgs[] = $attribute;
$newPk = static::buildKey($newPk);
$newKey = static::keyPrefix() . ':a:' . $newPk;
// rename index if pk changed
if ($newPk != $pk) {
if (count($setArgs) > 1) {
$db->executeCommand('HMSET', $setArgs);
if (count($delArgs) > 1) {
$db->executeCommand('HDEL', $delArgs);
$db->executeCommand('LINSERT', [static::keyPrefix(), 'AFTER', $pk, $newPk]);
$db->executeCommand('LREM', [static::keyPrefix(), 0, $pk]);
$db->executeCommand('RENAME', [$key, $newKey]);
} else {
if (count($setArgs) > 1) {
$db->executeCommand('HMSET', $setArgs);
if (count($delArgs) > 1) {
$db->executeCommand('HDEL', $delArgs);
return $n;
* Updates the whole table using the provided counter changes and conditions.
* For example, to increment all customers' age by 1,
* ~~~
* Customer::updateAllCounters(['age' => 1]);
* ~~~
* @param array $counters the counters to be updated (attribute name => increment value).
* Use negative values if you want to decrement the counters.
* @param array $condition the conditions that will be put in the WHERE part of the UPDATE SQL.
* Please refer to [[ActiveQuery::where()]] on how to specify this parameter.
* @return integer the number of rows updated
public static function updateAllCounters($counters, $condition = null)
if (empty($counters)) {
return 0;
$db = static::getDb();
$n = 0;
foreach (self::fetchPks($condition) as $pk) {
$key = static::keyPrefix() . ':a:' . static::buildKey($pk);
foreach ($counters as $attribute => $value) {
$db->executeCommand('HINCRBY', [$key, $attribute, $value]);
return $n;
* Deletes rows in the table using the provided conditions.
* WARNING: If you do not specify any condition, this method will delete ALL rows in the table.
* For example, to delete all customers whose status is 3:
* ~~~
* Customer::deleteAll(['status' => 3]);
* ~~~
* @param array $condition the conditions that will be put in the WHERE part of the DELETE SQL.
* Please refer to [[ActiveQuery::where()]] on how to specify this parameter.
* @return integer the number of rows deleted
public static function deleteAll($condition = null)
$pks = self::fetchPks($condition);
if (empty($pks)) {
return 0;
$db = static::getDb();
$attributeKeys = [];
foreach ($pks as $pk) {
$pk = static::buildKey($pk);
$db->executeCommand('LREM', [static::keyPrefix(), 0, $pk]);
$attributeKeys[] = static::keyPrefix() . ':a:' . $pk;
$db->executeCommand('DEL', $attributeKeys);
$result = $db->executeCommand('EXEC');
return end($result);
private static function fetchPks($condition)
$query = static::find();
$records = $query->asArray()->all(); // TODO limit fetched columns to pk
$primaryKey = static::primaryKey();
$pks = [];
foreach ($records as $record) {
$pk = [];
foreach ($primaryKey as $key) {
$pk[$key] = $record[$key];
$pks[] = $pk;
return $pks;
* Builds a normalized key from a given primary key value.
* @param mixed $key the key to be normalized
* @return string the generated key
public static function buildKey($key)
if (is_numeric($key)) {
return $key;
} elseif (is_string($key)) {
return ctype_alnum($key) && StringHelper::byteLength($key) <= 32 ? $key : md5($key);
} elseif (is_array($key)) {
if (count($key) == 1) {
return self::buildKey(reset($key));
ksort($key); // ensure order is always the same
$isNumeric = true;
foreach ($key as $value) {
if (!is_numeric($value)) {
$isNumeric = false;
if ($isNumeric) {
return implode('-', $key);
return md5(json_encode($key));
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* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\redis;
use yii\base\Component;
use yii\base\InvalidParamException;
use yii\base\NotSupportedException;
use yii\db\ActiveQueryInterface;
use yii\db\ActiveQueryTrait;
use yii\db\ActiveRelationTrait;
use yii\db\QueryTrait;
* ActiveQuery represents a query associated with an Active Record class.
* An ActiveQuery can be a normal query or be used in a relational context.
* ActiveQuery instances are usually created by [[ActiveRecord::find()]].
* Relational queries are created by [[ActiveRecord::hasOne()]] and [[ActiveRecord::hasMany()]].
* Normal Query
* ------------
* ActiveQuery mainly provides the following methods to retrieve the query results:
* - [[one()]]: returns a single record populated with the first row of data.
* - [[all()]]: returns all records based on the query results.
* - [[count()]]: returns the number of records.
* - [[sum()]]: returns the sum over the specified column.
* - [[average()]]: returns the average over the specified column.
* - [[min()]]: returns the min over the specified column.
* - [[max()]]: returns the max over the specified column.
* - [[scalar()]]: returns the value of the first column in the first row of the query result.
* - [[exists()]]: returns a value indicating whether the query result has data or not.
* You can use query methods, such as [[where()]], [[limit()]] and [[orderBy()]] to customize the query options.
* ActiveQuery also provides the following additional query options:
* - [[with()]]: list of relations that this query should be performed with.
* - [[indexBy()]]: the name of the column by which the query result should be indexed.
* - [[asArray()]]: whether to return each record as an array.
* These options can be configured using methods of the same name. For example:
* php
* $customers = Customer::find()->with('orders')->asArray()->all();
* Relational query
* ----------------
* In relational context ActiveQuery represents a relation between two Active Record classes.
* Relational ActiveQuery instances are usually created by calling [[ActiveRecord::hasOne()]] and
* [[ActiveRecord::hasMany()]]. An Active Record class declares a relation by defining
* a getter method which calls one of the above methods and returns the created ActiveQuery object.
* A relation is specified by [[link]] which represents the association between columns
* of different tables; and the multiplicity of the relation is indicated by [[multiple]].
* If a relation involves a junction table, it may be specified by [[via()]].
* This methods may only be called in a relational context. Same is true for [[inverseOf()]], which
* marks a relation as inverse of another relation.
* @author Carsten Brandt <mail@cebe.cc>
* @since 2.0
class ActiveQuery extends Component implements ActiveQueryInterface
use QueryTrait;
use ActiveQueryTrait;
use ActiveRelationTrait;
* @event Event an event that is triggered when the query is initialized via [[init()]].
const EVENT_INIT = 'init';
* Constructor.
* @param array $modelClass the model class associated with this query
* @param array $config configurations to be applied to the newly created query object
public function __construct($modelClass, $config = [])
$this->modelClass = $modelClass;
* Initializes the object.
* This method is called at the end of the constructor. The default implementation will trigger
* an [[EVENT_INIT]] event. If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation at the end
* to ensure triggering of the event.
public function init()
* Executes the query and returns all results as an array.
* @param Connection $db the database connection used to execute the query.
* If this parameter is not given, the `db` application component will be used.
* @return array|ActiveRecord[] the query results. If the query results in nothing, an empty array will be returned.
public function all($db = null)
// TODO add support for orderBy
$data = $this->executeScript($db, 'All');
if (empty($data)) {
return [];
$rows = [];
foreach ($data as $dataRow) {
$row = [];
$c = count($dataRow);
for ($i = 0; $i < $c;) {
$row[$dataRow[$i++]] = $dataRow[$i++];
$rows[] = $row;
if (!empty($rows)) {
$models = $this->createModels($rows);
if (!empty($this->with)) {
$this->findWith($this->with, $models);
if (!$this->asArray) {
foreach ($models as $model) {
return $models;
} else {
return [];
* Executes the query and returns a single row of result.
* @param Connection $db the database connection used to execute the query.
* If this parameter is not given, the `db` application component will be used.
* @return ActiveRecord|array|null a single row of query result. Depending on the setting of [[asArray]],
* the query result may be either an array or an ActiveRecord object. Null will be returned
* if the query results in nothing.
public function one($db = null)
// TODO add support for orderBy
$data = $this->executeScript($db, 'One');
if (empty($data)) {
return null;
$row = [];
$c = count($data);
for ($i = 0; $i < $c;) {
$row[$data[$i++]] = $data[$i++];
if ($this->asArray) {
$model = $row;
} else {
/* @var $class ActiveRecord */
$class = $this->modelClass;
$model = $class::instantiate($row);
$class = get_class($model);
$class::populateRecord($model, $row);
if (!empty($this->with)) {
$models = [$model];
$this->findWith($this->with, $models);
$model = $models[0];
if (!$this->asArray) {
return $model;
* Returns the number of records.
* @param string $q the COUNT expression. This parameter is ignored by this implementation.
* @param Connection $db the database connection used to execute the query.
* If this parameter is not given, the `db` application component will be used.
* @return integer number of records
public function count($q = '*', $db = null)
if ($this->where === null) {
/* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
$modelClass = $this->modelClass;
if ($db === null) {
$db = $modelClass::getDb();
return $db->executeCommand('LLEN', [$modelClass::keyPrefix()]);
} else {
return $this->executeScript($db, 'Count');
* Returns a value indicating whether the query result contains any row of data.
* @param Connection $db the database connection used to execute the query.
* If this parameter is not given, the `db` application component will be used.
* @return boolean whether the query result contains any row of data.
public function exists($db = null)
return $this->one($db) !== null;
* Executes the query and returns the first column of the result.
* @param string $column name of the column to select
* @param Connection $db the database connection used to execute the query.
* If this parameter is not given, the `db` application component will be used.
* @return array the first column of the query result. An empty array is returned if the query results in nothing.
public function column($column, $db = null)
// TODO add support for orderBy
return $this->executeScript($db, 'Column', $column);
* Returns the number of records.
* @param string $column the column to sum up
* @param Connection $db the database connection used to execute the query.
* If this parameter is not given, the `db` application component will be used.
* @return integer number of records
public function sum($column, $db = null)
return $this->executeScript($db, 'Sum', $column);
* Returns the average of the specified column values.
* @param string $column the column name or expression.
* Make sure you properly quote column names in the expression.
* @param Connection $db the database connection used to execute the query.
* If this parameter is not given, the `db` application component will be used.
* @return integer the average of the specified column values.
public function average($column, $db = null)
return $this->executeScript($db, 'Average', $column);
* Returns the minimum of the specified column values.
* @param string $column the column name or expression.
* Make sure you properly quote column names in the expression.
* @param Connection $db the database connection used to execute the query.
* If this parameter is not given, the `db` application component will be used.
* @return integer the minimum of the specified column values.
public function min($column, $db = null)
return $this->executeScript($db, 'Min', $column);
* Returns the maximum of the specified column values.
* @param string $column the column name or expression.
* Make sure you properly quote column names in the expression.
* @param Connection $db the database connection used to execute the query.
* If this parameter is not given, the `db` application component will be used.
* @return integer the maximum of the specified column values.
public function max($column, $db = null)
return $this->executeScript($db, 'Max', $column);
* Returns the query result as a scalar value.
* The value returned will be the specified attribute in the first record of the query results.
* @param string $attribute name of the attribute to select
* @param Connection $db the database connection used to execute the query.
* If this parameter is not given, the `db` application component will be used.
* @return string the value of the specified attribute in the first record of the query result.
* Null is returned if the query result is empty.
public function scalar($attribute, $db = null)
$record = $this->one($db);
if ($record !== null) {
return $record->hasAttribute($attribute) ? $record->$attribute : null;
} else {
return null;
* Executes a script created by [[LuaScriptBuilder]]
* @param Connection|null $db the database connection used to execute the query.
* If this parameter is not given, the `db` application component will be used.
* @param string $type the type of the script to generate
* @param string $columnName
* @throws NotSupportedException
* @return array|boolean|null|string
protected function executeScript($db, $type, $columnName = null)
if ($this->primaryModel !== null) {
// lazy loading
if ($this->via instanceof self) {
// via junction table
$viaModels = $this->via->findJunctionRows([$this->primaryModel]);
} elseif (is_array($this->via)) {
// via relation
/* @var $viaQuery ActiveQuery */
list($viaName, $viaQuery) = $this->via;
if ($viaQuery->multiple) {
$viaModels = $viaQuery->all();
$this->primaryModel->populateRelation($viaName, $viaModels);
} else {
$model = $viaQuery->one();
$this->primaryModel->populateRelation($viaName, $model);
$viaModels = $model === null ? [] : [$model];
} else {
if (!empty($this->orderBy)) {
throw new NotSupportedException('orderBy is currently not supported by redis ActiveRecord.');
/* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
$modelClass = $this->modelClass;
if ($db === null) {
$db = $modelClass::getDb();
// find by primary key if possible. This is much faster than scanning all records
if (is_array($this->where) && !isset($this->where[0]) && $modelClass::isPrimaryKey(array_keys($this->where))) {
return $this->findByPk($db, $type, $columnName);
$method = 'build' . $type;
$script = $db->getLuaScriptBuilder()->$method($this, $columnName);
return $db->executeCommand('EVAL', [$script, 0]);
* Fetch by pk if possible as this is much faster
* @param Connection $db the database connection used to execute the query.
* If this parameter is not given, the `db` application component will be used.
* @param string $type the type of the script to generate
* @param string $columnName
* @return array|boolean|null|string
* @throws \yii\base\InvalidParamException
* @throws \yii\base\NotSupportedException
private function findByPk($db, $type, $columnName = null)
if (count($this->where) == 1) {
$pks = (array) reset($this->where);
} else {
foreach ($this->where as $values) {
if (is_array($values)) {
// TODO support composite IN for composite PK
throw new NotSupportedException('Find by composite PK is not supported by redis ActiveRecord.');
$pks = [$this->where];
/* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
$modelClass = $this->modelClass;
if ($type == 'Count') {
$start = 0;
$limit = null;
} else {
$start = $this->offset === null ? 0 : $this->offset;
$limit = $this->limit;
$i = 0;
$data = [];
foreach ($pks as $pk) {
if (++$i > $start && ($limit === null || $i <= $start + $limit)) {
$key = $modelClass::keyPrefix() . ':a:' . $modelClass::buildKey($pk);
$result = $db->executeCommand('HGETALL', [$key]);
if (!empty($result)) {
$data[] = $result;
if ($type === 'One' && $this->orderBy === null) {
// TODO support orderBy
switch ($type) {
case 'All':
return $data;
case 'One':
return reset($data);
case 'Count':
return count($data);
case 'Column':
$column = [];
foreach ($data as $dataRow) {
$row = [];
$c = count($dataRow);
for ($i = 0; $i < $c;) {
$row[$dataRow[$i++]] = $dataRow[$i++];
$column[] = $row[$columnName];
return $column;
case 'Sum':
$sum = 0;
foreach ($data as $dataRow) {
$c = count($dataRow);
for ($i = 0; $i < $c;) {
if ($dataRow[$i++] == $columnName) {
$sum += $dataRow[$i];
return $sum;
case 'Average':
$sum = 0;
$count = 0;
foreach ($data as $dataRow) {
$c = count($dataRow);
for ($i = 0; $i < $c;) {
if ($dataRow[$i++] == $columnName) {
$sum += $dataRow[$i];
return $sum / $count;
case 'Min':
$min = null;
foreach ($data as $dataRow) {
$c = count($dataRow);
for ($i = 0; $i < $c;) {
if ($dataRow[$i++] == $columnName && ($min == null || $dataRow[$i] < $min)) {
$min = $dataRow[$i];
return $min;
case 'Max':
$max = null;
foreach ($data as $dataRow) {
$c = count($dataRow);
for ($i = 0; $i < $c;) {
if ($dataRow[$i++] == $columnName && ($max == null || $dataRow[$i] > $max)) {
$max = $dataRow[$i];
return $max;
throw new InvalidParamException('Unknown fetch type: ' . $type);
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\redis;
use Yii;
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
* Redis Session implements a session component using [redis](http://redis.io/) as the storage medium.
* Redis Session requires redis version 2.6.12 or higher to work properly.
* It needs to be configured with a redis [[Connection]] that is also configured as an application component.
* By default it will use the `redis` application component.
* To use redis Session as the session application component, configure the application as follows,
* ~~~
* [
* 'components' => [
* 'session' => [
* 'class' => 'yii\redis\Session',
* 'redis' => [
* 'hostname' => 'localhost',
* 'port' => 6379,
* 'database' => 0,
* ]
* ],
* ],
* ]
* ~~~
* Or if you have configured the redis [[Connection]] as an application component, the following is sufficient:
* ~~~
* [
* 'components' => [
* 'session' => [
* 'class' => 'yii\redis\Session',
* // 'redis' => 'redis' // id of the connection application component
* ],
* ],
* ]
* ~~~
* @property boolean $useCustomStorage Whether to use custom storage. This property is read-only.
* @author Carsten Brandt <mail@cebe.cc>
* @since 2.0
class Session extends \yii\web\Session
* @var Connection|string|array the Redis [[Connection]] object or the application component ID of the Redis [[Connection]].
* This can also be an array that is used to create a redis [[Connection]] instance in case you do not want do configure
* redis connection as an application component.
* After the Session object is created, if you want to change this property, you should only assign it
* with a Redis [[Connection]] object.
public $redis = 'redis';
* @var string a string prefixed to every cache key so that it is unique. If not set,
* it will use a prefix generated from [[Application::id]]. You may set this property to be an empty string
* if you don't want to use key prefix. It is recommended that you explicitly set this property to some
* static value if the cached data needs to be shared among multiple applications.
public $keyPrefix;
* Initializes the redis Session component.
* This method will initialize the [[redis]] property to make sure it refers to a valid redis connection.
* @throws InvalidConfigException if [[redis]] is invalid.
public function init()
if (is_string($this->redis)) {
$this->redis = Yii::$app->get($this->redis);
} elseif (is_array($this->redis)) {
if (!isset($this->redis['class'])) {
$this->redis['class'] = Connection::className();
$this->redis = Yii::createObject($this->redis);
if (!$this->redis instanceof Connection) {
throw new InvalidConfigException("Session::redis must be either a Redis connection instance or the application component ID of a Redis connection.");
if ($this->keyPrefix === null) {
$this->keyPrefix = substr(md5(Yii::$app->id), 0, 5);
* Returns a value indicating whether to use custom session storage.
* This method overrides the parent implementation and always returns true.
* @return boolean whether to use custom storage.
public function getUseCustomStorage()
return true;
* Session read handler.
* Do not call this method directly.
* @param string $id session ID
* @return string the session data
public function readSession($id)
$data = $this->redis->executeCommand('GET', [$this->calculateKey($id)]);
return $data === false || $data === null ? '' : $data;
* Session write handler.
* Do not call this method directly.
* @param string $id session ID
* @param string $data session data
* @return boolean whether session write is successful
public function writeSession($id, $data)
return (bool) $this->redis->executeCommand('SET', [$this->calculateKey($id), $data, 'EX', $this->getTimeout()]);
* Session destroy handler.
* Do not call this method directly.
* @param string $id session ID
* @return boolean whether session is destroyed successfully
public function destroySession($id)
return (bool) $this->redis->executeCommand('DEL', [$this->calculateKey($id)]);
* Generates a unique key used for storing session data in cache.
* @param string $id session variable name
* @return string a safe cache key associated with the session variable name
protected function calculateKey($id)
return $this->keyPrefix . md5(json_encode([__CLASS__, $id]));
* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/
namespace yii\redis;
use yii\base\InvalidParamException;
use yii\base\NotSupportedException;
use yii\db\Exception;
use yii\db\Expression;
* LuaScriptBuilder builds lua scripts used for retrieving data from redis.
* @author Carsten Brandt <mail@cebe.cc>
* @since 2.0
class LuaScriptBuilder extends \yii\base\Object
* Builds a Lua script for finding a list of records
* @param ActiveQuery $query the query used to build the script
* @return string
public function buildAll($query)
// TODO add support for orderBy
/* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
$modelClass = $query->modelClass;
$key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::keyPrefix() . ':a:');
return $this->build($query, "n=n+1 pks[n]=redis.call('HGETALL',$key .. pk)", 'pks');
* Builds a Lua script for finding one record
* @param ActiveQuery $query the query used to build the script
* @return string
public function buildOne($query)
// TODO add support for orderBy
/* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
$modelClass = $query->modelClass;
$key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::keyPrefix() . ':a:');
return $this->build($query, "do return redis.call('HGETALL',$key .. pk) end", 'pks');
* Builds a Lua script for finding a column
* @param ActiveQuery $query the query used to build the script
* @param string $column name of the column
* @return string
public function buildColumn($query, $column)
// TODO add support for orderBy and indexBy
/* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
$modelClass = $query->modelClass;
$key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::keyPrefix() . ':a:');
return $this->build($query, "n=n+1 pks[n]=redis.call('HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ")", 'pks');
* Builds a Lua script for getting count of records
* @param ActiveQuery $query the query used to build the script
* @return string
public function buildCount($query)
return $this->build($query, 'n=n+1', 'n');
* Builds a Lua script for finding the sum of a column
* @param ActiveQuery $query the query used to build the script
* @param string $column name of the column
* @return string
public function buildSum($query, $column)
/* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
$modelClass = $query->modelClass;
$key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::keyPrefix() . ':a:');
return $this->build($query, "n=n+redis.call('HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ")", 'n');
* Builds a Lua script for finding the average of a column
* @param ActiveQuery $query the query used to build the script
* @param string $column name of the column
* @return string
public function buildAverage($query, $column)
/* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
$modelClass = $query->modelClass;
$key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::keyPrefix() . ':a:');
return $this->build($query, "n=n+1 if v==nil then v=0 end v=v+redis.call('HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ")", 'v/n');
* Builds a Lua script for finding the min value of a column
* @param ActiveQuery $query the query used to build the script
* @param string $column name of the column
* @return string
public function buildMin($query, $column)
/* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
$modelClass = $query->modelClass;
$key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::keyPrefix() . ':a:');
return $this->build($query, "n=redis.call('HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ") if v==nil or n<v then v=n end", 'v');
* Builds a Lua script for finding the max value of a column
* @param ActiveQuery $query the query used to build the script
* @param string $column name of the column
* @return string
public function buildMax($query, $column)
/* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
$modelClass = $query->modelClass;
$key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::keyPrefix() . ':a:');
return $this->build($query, "n=redis.call('HGET',$key .. pk," . $this->quoteValue($column) . ") if v==nil or n>v then v=n end", 'v');
* @param ActiveQuery $query the query used to build the script
* @param string $buildResult the lua script for building the result
* @param string $return the lua variable that should be returned
* @throws NotSupportedException when query contains unsupported order by condition
* @return string
private function build($query, $buildResult, $return)
if (!empty($query->orderBy)) {
throw new NotSupportedException('orderBy is currently not supported by redis ActiveRecord.');
$columns = [];
if ($query->where !== null) {
$condition = $this->buildCondition($query->where, $columns);
} else {
$condition = 'true';
$start = $query->offset === null ? 0 : $query->offset;
$limitCondition = 'i>' . $start . ($query->limit === null ? '' : ' and i<=' . ($start + $query->limit));
/* @var $modelClass ActiveRecord */
$modelClass = $query->modelClass;
$key = $this->quoteValue($modelClass::keyPrefix());
$loadColumnValues = '';
foreach ($columns as $column => $alias) {
$loadColumnValues .= "local $alias=redis.call('HGET',$key .. ':a:' .. pk, '$column')\n";
return <<<EOF
local allpks=redis.call('LRANGE',$key,0,-1)
local pks={}
local n=0
local v=nil
local i=0
local key=$key
for k,pk in ipairs(allpks) do
if $condition then
if $limitCondition then
return $return
* Adds a column to the list of columns to retrieve and creates an alias
* @param string $column the column name to add
* @param array $columns list of columns given by reference
* @return string the alias generated for the column name
private function addColumn($column, &$columns)
if (isset($columns[$column])) {
return $columns[$column];
$name = 'c' . preg_replace("/[^A-z]+/", "", $column) . count($columns);
return $columns[$column] = $name;
* Quotes a string value for use in a query.
* Note that if the parameter is not a string or int, it will be returned without change.
* @param string $str string to be quoted
* @return string the properly quoted string
private function quoteValue($str)
if (!is_string($str) && !is_int($str)) {
return $str;
return "'" . addcslashes($str, "\000\n\r\\\032\047") . "'";
* Parses the condition specification and generates the corresponding Lua expression.
* @param string|array $condition the condition specification. Please refer to [[ActiveQuery::where()]]
* on how to specify a condition.
* @param array $columns the list of columns and aliases to be used
* @return string the generated SQL expression
* @throws \yii\db\Exception if the condition is in bad format
* @throws \yii\base\NotSupportedException if the condition is not an array
public function buildCondition($condition, &$columns)
static $builders = [
'not' => 'buildNotCondition',
'and' => 'buildAndCondition',
'or' => 'buildAndCondition',
'between' => 'buildBetweenCondition',
'not between' => 'buildBetweenCondition',
'in' => 'buildInCondition',
'not in' => 'buildInCondition',
'like' => 'buildLikeCondition',
'not like' => 'buildLikeCondition',
'or like' => 'buildLikeCondition',
'or not like' => 'buildLikeCondition',
if (!is_array($condition)) {
throw new NotSupportedException('Where condition must be an array in redis ActiveRecord.');
if (isset($condition[0])) { // operator format: operator, operand 1, operand 2, ...
$operator = strtolower($condition[0]);
if (isset($builders[$operator])) {
$method = $builders[$operator];
return $this->$method($operator, $condition, $columns);
} else {
throw new Exception('Found unknown operator in query: ' . $operator);
} else { // hash format: 'column1' => 'value1', 'column2' => 'value2', ...
return $this->buildHashCondition($condition, $columns);
private function buildHashCondition($condition, &$columns)
$parts = [];
foreach ($condition as $column => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) { // IN condition
$parts[] = $this->buildInCondition('in', [$column, $value], $columns);
} else {
if (is_bool($value)) {
$value = (int) $value;
if ($value === null) {
$parts[] = "redis.call('HEXISTS',key .. ':a:' .. pk, ".$this->quoteValue($column).")==0";
} elseif ($value instanceof Expression) {
$column = $this->addColumn($column, $columns);
$parts[] = "$column==" . $value->expression;
} else {
$column = $this->addColumn($column, $columns);
$value = $this->quoteValue($value);
$parts[] = "$column==$value";
return count($parts) === 1 ? $parts[0] : '(' . implode(') and (', $parts) . ')';
private function buildNotCondition($operator, $operands, &$params)
if (count($operands) != 1) {
throw new InvalidParamException("Operator '$operator' requires exactly one operand.");
$operand = reset($operands);
if (is_array($operand)) {
$operand = $this->buildCondition($operand, $params);
return "!($operand)";
private function buildAndCondition($operator, $operands, &$columns)
$parts = [];
foreach ($operands as $operand) {
if (is_array($operand)) {
$operand = $this->buildCondition($operand, $columns);
if ($operand !== '') {
$parts[] = $operand;
if (!empty($parts)) {
return '(' . implode(") $operator (", $parts) . ')';
} else {
return '';
private function buildBetweenCondition($operator, $operands, &$columns)
if (!isset($operands[0], $operands[1], $operands[2])) {
throw new Exception("Operator '$operator' requires three operands.");
list($column, $value1, $value2) = $operands;
$value1 = $this->quoteValue($value1);
$value2 = $this->quoteValue($value2);
$column = $this->addColumn($column, $columns);
return "$column >= $value1 and $column <= $value2";
private function buildInCondition($operator, $operands, &$columns)
if (!isset($operands[0], $operands[1])) {
throw new Exception("Operator '$operator' requires two operands.");
list($column, $values) = $operands;
$values = (array) $values;
if (empty($values) || $column === []) {
return $operator === 'in' ? 'false' : 'true';
if (count($column) > 1) {
return $this->buildCompositeInCondition($operator, $column, $values, $columns);
} elseif (is_array($column)) {
$column = reset($column);
$columnAlias = $this->addColumn($column, $columns);
$parts = [];
foreach ($values as $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$value = isset($value[$column]) ? $value[$column] : null;
if ($value === null) {
$parts[] = "redis.call('HEXISTS',key .. ':a:' .. pk, ".$this->quoteValue($column).")==0";
} elseif ($value instanceof Expression) {
$parts[] = "$columnAlias==" . $value->expression;
} else {
$value = $this->quoteValue($value);
$parts[] = "$columnAlias==$value";
$operator = $operator === 'in' ? '' : 'not ';
return "$operator(" . implode(' or ', $parts) . ')';
protected function buildCompositeInCondition($operator, $inColumns, $values, &$columns)
$vss = [];
foreach ($values as $value) {
$vs = [];
foreach ($inColumns as $column) {
if (isset($value[$column])) {
$columnAlias = $this->addColumn($column, $columns);
$vs[] = "$columnAlias==" . $this->quoteValue($value[$column]);
} else {
$vs[] = "redis.call('HEXISTS',key .. ':a:' .. pk, ".$this->quoteValue($column).")==0";
$vss[] = '(' . implode(' and ', $vs) . ')';
$operator = $operator === 'in' ? '' : 'not ';
return "$operator(" . implode(' or ', $vss) . ')';
private function buildLikeCondition($operator, $operands, &$columns)
throw new NotSupportedException('LIKE conditions are not suppoerted by redis ActiveRecord.');
Redis 通讯协议 https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000011145207
Redis protocol http://redis.cn/topics/protocol.html
Yii2.0源码阅读-PHP如何与redis通信? https://www.cnblogs.com/skyfynn/p/8980322.html
Yii2.0源码阅读-PHP如何与redis通信? https://www.bbsmax.com/A/n2d9bQb6zD/
Yii 2 Redis 缓存,会话和活动记录 https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-redis/tree/master/docs/guide-zh-CN
yii2-redis 扩展详解 https://www.yiichina.com/doc/guide/2.0/yii2-redis
PHP 手册 语言参考 类与对象 魔术方法 https://www.php.net/manual/zh/language.oop5.magic.php
PHP 魔术方法 __sleep __wakeup(四) https://www.cnblogs.com/uduemc/p/4122156.html