PHP 字符实体转换及使用注意事项





// htmlspecialchars() 把预定义的字符转换为 HTML 实体
// 预定义的字符:& 、 " 、 ' 、 < 、 >
// htmlspecialchars_decode()htmlspecialchars()的反函数

// htmlentities() 把字符转换为 HTML 实体,注意编码,否则中文会乱码
// htmlspecialchars()的预定义字符包括在内,但一般常用htmlspecialchars()
// html_entity_decode()是htmlentities()的反函数

// 文档说明:
// html_entity_decode — Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters
// htmlentities — Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities
// htmlspecialchars_decode — Convert special HTML entities back to characters
// htmlspecialchars - Convert special characters to HTML entities 

htmlspecialchars() 执行转换:

字符     替换后
& (& 符号)     &amp;
" (双引号)     &quot;,除非设置了 ENT_NOQUOTES
' (单引号)     设置了 ENT_QUOTES 后, &#039; (如果是 ENT_HTML401) ,或者 &apos; (如果是 ENT_XML1、 ENT_XHTML 或 ENT_HTML5)。
< (小于)     &lt;
> (大于)     &gt;

htmlentities() 各方面都和 htmlspecialchars() 一样, 除了以上, htmlentities() 会转换所有具有 HTML 实体的字符。

strip_tags() 剥去字符串中的 HTML、XML 以及 PHP 的标签

HTML 字符实体

显示结果   描述   实体名称   实体编号
      空格     &nbsp;     &#160;
<     小于号     &lt;     &#60;
>     大于号     &gt;     &#62;
&     和号     &amp;     &#38;
"     引号     &quot;     &#34;
'     撇号      &apos; (IE不支持)     &#39;
¢     分     &cent;     &#162;
£     镑     &pound;     &#163;
¥     人民币/日元     &yen;     &#165;
€     欧元     &euro;     &#8364;
§     小节     &sect;     &#167;
©     版权     &copy;     &#169;
®     注册商标     &reg;     &#174;
™     商标     &trade;     &#8482;
×     乘号     &times;     &#215;
÷     除号     &divide;     &#247;

HTML 实体参考手册


标准 ISO 字符集


ISO-8859-1 是大多数浏览器默认的字符集。

ISO-8859-1 的较低部分(从 1 到 127 之间的代码)是最初的 ASCII 字符集(0-9 的数字,大写和小写英文字母表,以及一些特殊字符)。

ISO-8859-1 的较高部分(从 160 到 255 之间的代码)包含了一些西欧国家使用的字符和一些被广泛使用的特殊字符,它们全都有实体名称。


HTML 预留字符

HTML and XHTML 预留了一些字符。比如,您不能使用包含这些字符的文本,因为浏览器可能会误以为是 HTML 标签。

HTML and XHTML 中央处理器必须识别以下表格所列举的五种特殊字符:

字符     实体编号     实体名称     描述
      &#160;     &nbsp;     非间断空格(non-breaking space)
¡     &#161;     &iexcl;     倒置感叹号(inverted exclamation mark)
¢     &#162;     &cent;     美分符号(cent)
£     &#163;     &pound;     英镑符号(pound)
¤     &#164;     &curren;     货币符号(currency)
¥     &#165;     &yen;     人民币/日元符号(yen)
¦     &#166;     &brvbar;     间断的竖杠(broken vertical bar)
§     &#167;     &sect;     小节号(section)
¨     &#168;     &uml;     分音符号(spacing diaeresis)
©     &#169;     &copy;     版权所有(copyright)
ª     &#170;     &ordf;     阴性序数记号(feminine ordinal indicator)
«     &#171;     &laquo;     左双角引号(angle quotation mark (left))
¬     &#172;     &not;     否定符号(negation)
­     &#173;     &shy;     软连字符(soft hyphen)
®     &#174;     &reg;     注册商标(registered trademark)
¯     &#175;     &macr;     长音符号(spacing macron)
°     &#176;     &deg;     度符号(degree)
±     &#177;     &plusmn;     加减号/正负号(plus-or-minus)
²     &#178;     &sup2;     上标 2(superscript 2)
³     &#179;     &sup3;     上标 3(superscript 3)
´     &#180;     &acute;     尖音符号(spacing acute)
µ     &#181;     &micro;     微米符号(micro)
¶     &#182;     &para;     段落符号(paragraph)
·     &#183;     &middot;     中间点(middle dot)
¸     &#184;     &cedil;     变音符号(spacing cedilla)
¹     &#185;     &sup1;     上标 1(superscript 1)
º     &#186;     &ordm;     阳性序数记号(masculine ordinal indicator)
»     &#187;     &raquo;     右双角引号(angle quotation mark (right))
¼     &#188;     &frac14;     1/4 分数(fraction 1/4)
½     &#189;     &frac12;     1/2 分数(fraction 1/2)
¾     &#190;     &frac34;     3/4 分数(fraction 3/4)
¿     &#191;     &iquest;     倒置问号(inverted question mark)

ISO 8859-1 字符实体

字符     实体编号     实体名称     描述
À     &#192;     &Agrave;     大写字母 A,重音(grave accent)
Á     &#193;     &Aacute;     大写字母 A,尖音(acute accent)
     &#194;     &Acirc;     大写字母 A,抑扬音(circumflex accent)
à     &#195;     &Atilde;     大写字母 A,腭化(tilde)
Ä     &#196;     &Auml;     大写字母 A,带有变音符号标记(umlaut mark)
Å     &#197;     &Aring;     大写字母 A,带有上圆圈(ring)
Æ     &#198;     &AElig;     大写字母 AE
Ç     &#199;     &Ccedil;     大写字母 C,变音(cedilla)
È     &#200;     &Egrave;     大写字母 E,重音(grave accent)
É     &#201;     &Eacute;     大写字母 E,尖音(acute accent)
Ê     &#202;     &Ecirc;     大写字母 E,抑扬音(circumflex accent)
Ë     &#203;     &Euml;     大写字母 E,带有变音符号标记(umlaut mark)
Ì     &#204;     &Igrave;     大写字母 I,重音(grave accent)
Í     &#205;     &Iacute;     大写字母 I,尖音(acute accent)
Î     &#206;     &Icirc;     大写字母 I,抑扬音(circumflex accent)
Ï     &#207;     &Iuml;     大写字母 I,带有变音符号标记(umlaut mark)
Ð     &#208;     &ETH;     冰岛语大写字母 eth
Ñ     &#209;     &Ntilde;     大写字母 N,腭化(tilde)
Ò     &#210;     &Ograve;     大写字母 O,重音(grave accent)
Ó     &#211;     &Oacute;     大写字母 O,尖音(acute accent)
Ô     &#212;     &Ocirc;     大写字母 O,抑扬音(circumflex accent)
Õ     &#213;     &Otilde;     大写字母 O,腭化(tilde)
Ö     &#214;     &Ouml;     大写字母 O,带有变音符号标记(umlaut mark)
×     &#215;     &times;     乘号(multiplication)
Ø     &#216;     &Oslash;     大写字母 O,带有斜线(slash)
Ù     &#217;     &Ugrave;     大写字母 U,重音(grave accent)
Ú     &#218;     &Uacute;     大写字母 U,尖音(acute accent)
Û     &#219;     &Ucirc;     大写字母 U,抑扬音(circumflex accent)
Ü     &#220;     &Uuml;     大写字母 U,带有变音符号标记(umlaut mark)
Ý     &#221;     &Yacute;     大写字母 Y,尖音(acute accent)
Þ     &#222;     &THORN;     冰岛语大写字母 THORN
ß     &#223;     &szlig;     德语小写字母 sharp s
à     &#224;     &agrave;     小写字母 a,重音(grave accent)
á     &#225;     &aacute;     小写字母 a,尖音(acute accent)
â     &#226;     &acirc;     小写字母 a,抑扬音(circumflex accent)
ã     &#227;     &atilde;     小写字母 a,腭化(tilde)
ä     &#228;     &auml;     小写字母 a,带有变音符号标记(umlaut mark)
å     &#229;     &aring;     小写字母 a,带有上圆圈(ring)
æ     &#230;     &aelig;     小写字母 ae
ç     &#231;     &ccedil;     小写字母 c,变音(cedilla)
è     &#232;     &egrave;     小写字母 e,重音(grave accent)
é     &#233;     &eacute;     小写字母 e,尖音(acute accent)
ê     &#234;     &ecirc;     小写字母 e,抑扬音(circumflex accent)
ë     &#235;     &euml;     小写字母 e,带有变音符号标记(umlaut mark)
ì     &#236;     &igrave;     小写字母 i,重音(grave accent)
í     &#237;     &iacute;     小写字母 i,尖音(acute accent)
î     &#238;     &icirc;     小写字母 i,抑扬音(circumflex accent)
ï     &#239;     &iuml;     小写字母 i,带有变音符号标记(umlaut mark)
ð     &#240;     &eth;     冰岛语小写字母 eth
ñ     &#241;     &ntilde;     小写字母 n,腭化(tilde)
ò     &#242;     &ograve;     小写字母 o,重音(grave accent)
ó     &#243;     &oacute;     小写字母 o,尖音(acute accent)
ô     &#244;     &ocirc;     小写字母 o,抑扬音(circumflex accent)
õ     &#245;     &otilde;     小写字母 o,腭化(tilde)
ö     &#246;     &ouml;     小写字母 o,带有变音符号标记(umlaut mark)
÷     &#247;     &divide;     除号(division)
ø     &#248;     &oslash;     小写字母 o,带有斜线(slash)
ù     &#249;     &ugrave;     小写字母 u,重音(grave accent)
ú     &#250;     &uacute;     小写字母 u,尖音(acute accent)
û     &#251;     &ucirc;     小写字母 u,抑扬音(circumflex accent)
ü     &#252;     &uuml;     小写字母 u,带有变音符号标记(umlaut mark)
ý     &#253;     &yacute;     小写字母 y,尖音(acute accent)
þ     &#254;     &thorn;     冰岛语小写字母 thorn
ÿ     &#255;     &yuml;     小写字母 y,带有变音符号标记(umlaut mark)



 * Convert special characters to HTML entities
 * @link
 * @param string $string <p>
 * The {@link string} being converted.
 * </p>
 * @param int $flags [optional] <p>
 * A bitmask of one or more of the following flags, which specify how to handle quotes,
 * invalid code unit sequences and the used document type. The default is
 * <em><b>ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401</b></em>.
 * </p><table>
 * <caption><b>Available <em>flags</em> constants</b></caption>
 * <thead>
 * <tr>
 * <th>Constant Name</th>
 * <th>Description</th>
 * </tr>
 * </thead>
 * <tbody>
 * <tr>
 * <td><b>ENT_COMPAT</b></td>
 * <td>Will convert double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone.</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 * <td><b>ENT_QUOTES</b></td>
 * <td>Will convert both double and single quotes.</td>
 * <tr>
 * <td><b>ENT_NOQUOTES</b></td>
 * <td>Will leave both double and single quotes unconverted.</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 * <td><b>ENT_IGNORE</b></td>
 * <td>
 * Silently discard invalid code unit sequences instead of returning
 * an empty string. Using this flag is discouraged as it
 * {@link »&nbsp;may have security implications}.
 * </td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 * <td><b>ENT_SUBSTITUTE</b></td>
 * <td>
 * Replace invalid code unit sequences with a Unicode Replacement Character
 * U+FFFD (UTF-8) or &amp;#FFFD; (otherwise) instead of returning an empty string.
 * </td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 * <td><b>ENT_DISALLOWED</b></td>
 * <td>
 * Replace invalid code points for the given document type with a
 * Unicode Replacement Character U+FFFD (UTF-8) or &amp;#FFFD;
 * (otherwise) instead of leaving them as is. This may be useful, for
 * instance, to ensure the well-formedness of XML documents with
 * embedded external content.
 * </td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 * <td><b>ENT_HTML401</b></td>
 * <td>
 * Handle code as HTML 4.01.
 * </td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 * <td><b>ENT_XML1</b></td>
 * <td>
 * Handle code as XML 1.
 * </td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 * <td><b>ENT_XHTML</b></td>
 * <td>
 * Handle code as XHTML.
 * </td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr>
 * <td><b>ENT_HTML5</b></td>
 * <td>
 * Handle code as HTML 5.
 * </td>
 * </tr>
 * </tbody>
 * </table>
 * @param string $encoding [optional] <p>
 * Defines encoding used in conversion.
 * If omitted, the default value for this argument is ISO-8859-1 in
 * versions of PHP prior to 5.4.0, and UTF-8 from PHP 5.4.0 onwards.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * For the purposes of this function, the encodings
 * <em>ISO-8859-1</em>, <em>ISO-8859-15</em>,
 * <em>UTF-8</em>, <em>cp866</em>,
 * <em>cp1251</em>, <em>cp1252</em>, and
 * <em>KOI8-R</em> are effectively equivalent, provided the
 * <em><b>string</b></em> itself is valid for the encoding, as
 * the characters affected by  <b>htmlspecialchars()</b> occupy
 * the same positions in all of these encodings.
 * </p>
 * @param bool $double_encode [optional] <p>
 * When <em><b>double_encode</b></em> is turned off PHP will not
 * encode existing html entities, the default is to convert everything.
 * </p>
 * @return string The converted string.
function htmlspecialchars ($string, $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, $encoding = 'UTF-8', $double_encode = true) {}

 * Convert special HTML entities back to characters
 * @link
 * @param string $string <p>
 * The string to decode
 * </p>
 * @param int $quote_style [optional] <p>
 * The quote style. One of the following constants:
 * <table>
 * quote_style constants
 * <tr valign="top">
 * <td>Constant Name</td>
 * <td>Description</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr valign="top">
 * <td>ENT_COMPAT</td>
 * <td>Will convert double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone
 * (default)</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr valign="top">
 * <td>ENT_QUOTES</td>
 * <td>Will convert both double and single quotes</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr valign="top">
 * <td>ENT_NOQUOTES</td>
 * <td>Will leave both double and single quotes unconverted</td>
 * </tr>
 * </table>
 * </p>
 * @return string the decoded string.
function htmlspecialchars_decode ($string, $quote_style = null) {}


 * Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities
 * @link
 * @param string $string <p>
 * The input string.
 * </p>
 * @param int $quote_style [optional] <p>
 * Like htmlspecialchars, the optional second
 * quote_style parameter lets you define what will
 * be done with 'single' and "double" quotes. It takes on one of three
 * constants with the default being ENT_COMPAT:
 * <table>
 * Available quote_style constants
 * <tr valign="top">
 * <td>Constant Name</td>
 * <td>Description</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr valign="top">
 * <td>ENT_COMPAT</td>
 * <td>Will convert double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone.</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr valign="top">
 * <td>ENT_QUOTES</td>
 * <td>Will convert both double and single quotes.</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr valign="top">
 * <td>ENT_NOQUOTES</td>
 * <td>Will leave both double and single quotes unconverted.</td>
 * </tr>
 * </table>
 * </p>
 * @param string $charset [optional] <p>
 * Like htmlspecialchars, it takes an optional
 * third argument charset which defines character
 * set used in conversion.
 * Presently, the ISO-8859-1 character set is used as the default.
 * </p>
 * &reference.strings.charsets;
 * @param bool $double_encode [optional] <p>
 * When double_encode is turned off PHP will not
 * encode existing html entities. The default is to convert everything.
 * </p>
 * @return string the encoded string.
function htmlentities ($string, $quote_style = null, $charset = null, $double_encode = true) {}

 * Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters
 * @link
 * @param string $string <p>
 * The input string.
 * </p>
 * @param int $quote_style [optional] <p>
 * The optional second quote_style parameter lets
 * you define what will be done with 'single' and "double" quotes. It takes
 * on one of three constants with the default being
 * <table>
 * Available quote_style constants
 * <tr valign="top">
 * <td>Constant Name</td>
 * <td>Description</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr valign="top">
 * <td>ENT_COMPAT</td>
 * <td>Will convert double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone.</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr valign="top">
 * <td>ENT_QUOTES</td>
 * <td>Will convert both double and single quotes.</td>
 * </tr>
 * <tr valign="top">
 * <td>ENT_NOQUOTES</td>
 * <td>Will leave both double and single quotes unconverted.</td>
 * </tr>
 * </table>
 * </p>
 * @param string $charset [optional] <p>
 * The ISO-8859-1 character set is used as default for the optional third
 * charset. This defines the character set used in
 * conversion.
 * </p>
 * &reference.strings.charsets;
 * @return string the decoded string.
function html_entity_decode ($string, $quote_style = null, $charset = null) {}


HTML 字符实体

HTML 实体参考手册



PHP strip_tags() 函数

htmlspecialchars_decode 与 html_entity_decode
