- 经度每隔0.00001度,距离相差约1米;
- 每隔0.0001度,距离相差约10米;
- 每隔0.001度,距离相差约100米;
- 每隔0.01度,距离相差约1000米;
- 每隔0.1度,距离相差约10000米。
- 纬度每隔0.00001度,距离相差约1.1米;
- 每隔0.0001度,距离相差约11米;
- 每隔0.001度,距离相差约111米;
- 每隔0.01度,距离相差约1113米;
- 每隔0.1度,距离相差约11132米。
1)、纬度范围(-90, 90)平分成两个区间(-90, 0)、(0, 90), 如果目标纬度位于前一个区间,则编码为0,否则编码为1。
由于30.625265属于(0, 90),所以取编码为1。
然后再将(0, 90)分成 (0, 45), (45, 90)两个区间,而39.92324位于(0, 45),所以编码为0
然后再将(0, 45)分成 (0, 22.5), (22.5, 45)两个区间,而39.92324位于(22.5, 45),所以编码为1
2)、经度也用同样的算法,对(-180, 180)依次细分,(-180,0)、(0,180) 得出编码110010011111101001100000000000
3)、合并经纬度编码,从高到低,先取一位经度,再取一位纬度;得出结果 111001001100011111101011100011000010110000010001010001000100
4)、用0-9、a-z(去掉a, i, l, o)这36个字母进行base32编码,得到(30.63578,104.031601)的编码为 wm3yr31d2524。
11100 10011 00011 11110 10111 00011 00001 01100 00010 00101 00010 00100
=> wm3yr31d2524
十进制 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
base32 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 b c d e f g
十进制 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
base32 h j k m n p q r s t u v w x y z
Geohash算法 PHP实现
* Encode and decode geohashes
class Geohash
private $coding = "0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz";
private $codingMap = array();
* Geohash constructor.
* $codingMap 数组对应组建,如 $this->codingMap['0'] = '00000',$this->codingMap['b'] = '01010'
public function Geohash()
for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++) {
$this->codingMap[substr($this->coding, $i, 1)] = str_pad(decbin($i), 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
* 把经纬度格式化为一个字符串
* @param $lat 维度
* @param $long 经度
* @return string
public function encode($lat, $long)
// 维度一直运算到精度以下,如 $plat = 0.1,则维度位数 $latbits = 9
$plat = $this->precision($lat);
$latbits = 1;
$err = 45;
while ($err > $plat) {
$err /= 2;
// 经度一直运算到精度以下,如 $plong = 0.1,则经度位数 $longbits = 10
$plong = $this->precision($long);
$longbits = 1;
$err = 90;
while ($err > $plong) {
$err /= 2;
// 计算经纬度精度值
$bits = max($latbits, $longbits); // 经纬度精度中取最大位数
$longbits = $bits;
$latbits = $bits;
$addlong = 1; // $addlong 在 1 和 0 间 变动,第一轮经度位数长度加1,第二轮维度位数长度加1,以此类推
while (($longbits + $latbits) % 5 != 0) { // 直到经纬度位数长度之和被5整除,32位中以5位为1个单位,如 1 为 00001
$longbits += $addlong;
$latbits += !$addlong;
$addlong = !$addlong;
$blat = $this->binEncode($lat, -90, 90, $latbits); // 获取维度二进制字符串,如 101010111001001000100101101010
$blong = $this->binEncode($long, -180, 180, $longbits); // 获取经度二进制字符串,如 110010011111101001100000000000
// 循环组装经纬度混合的二进制字符串
$binary = "";
$uselong = 1; // 是否使用经度
while (strlen($blat) + strlen($blong)) {
if ($uselong) {
$binary = $binary . substr($blong, 0, 1);
$blong = substr($blong, 1);
} else {
$binary = $binary . substr($blat, 0, 1);
$blat = substr($blat, 1);
$uselong = !$uselong;
// 组装字符串
$hash = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($binary); $i += 5) { // 循环,每次5位长度,2进制转为10进制,拼接字符串
$n = bindec(substr($binary, $i, 5));
$hash = $hash . $this->coding[$n];
return $hash;
* 返回一个数的精度,如 10.01,返回 0.005
* @param $number
* @return float|int
private function precision($number)
$precision = 0;
$pt = strpos($number, '.');
if ($pt !== false) {
$precision = -(strlen($number) - $pt - 1);
return pow(10, $precision) / 2;
* 通过递归转化为二进制,以 $bitcount 为维度
* @param $number 浮点数字,如 12.345
* @param $min 最小值,如 0
* @param $max 最大值,如 90
* @param $bitcount 精度,如 10
* @return string,返回字符串,如 101010111001001000100101101010
private function binEncode($number, $min, $max, $bitcount)
if ($bitcount == 0) {
return "";
$mid = ($min + $max) / 2;
if ($number > $mid) { // 浮点数大于平均值,说明在上面区间,否则在下面区间
return "1" . $this->binEncode($number, $mid, $max, $bitcount - 1);
} else {
return "0" . $this->binEncode($number, $min, $mid, $bitcount - 1);
* 把字符串还原为经纬度
* @param $hash
* @return array
public function decode($hash)
$binary = "";
$hl = strlen($hash);
for ($i = 0; $i < $hl; $i++) {
$binary .= $this->codingMap[substr($hash, $i, 1)];
$bl = strlen($binary);
$blat = ""; // 维度二进制字符串
$blong = ""; // 经度二进制字符串
for ($i = 0; $i < $bl; $i++) {
if ($i % 2) {
$blat = $blat . substr($binary, $i, 1);
} else {
$blong = $blong . substr($binary, $i, 1);
$lat = $this->binDecode($blat, -90, 90); // 如 22.53332041204
$long = $this->binDecode($blong, -180, 180); // 如 113.93041066825
$latErr = $this->calcError(strlen($blat), -90, 90);
$longErr = $this->calcError(strlen($blong), -180, 180);
$latPlaces = max(1, -round(log10($latErr))) - 1;
$longPlaces = max(1, -round(log10($longErr))) - 1;
$lat = round($lat, $latPlaces);
$long = round($long, $longPlaces);
return array($lat, $long);
* 通过二进值数计算出最小值与最大值中所处的位置浮点数
* @param $binary 二进制字符串
* @param $min 最小值
* @param $max 最大值
* @return float|int 浮点数
private function binDecode($binary, $min, $max)
$mid = ($min + $max) / 2;
if (strlen($binary) == 0) {
return $mid;
$bit = substr($binary, 0, 1);
$binary = substr($binary, 1);
if ($bit == 1) {
return $this->binDecode($binary, $mid, $max);
} else {
return $this->binDecode($binary, $min, $mid);
* 计算误差
* @param $bits 字符长度
* @param $min
* @param $max
* @return float|int 返回误差范围
private function calcError($bits, $min, $max)
$err = ($max - $min) / 2; // 最大值减最小值后再求平均值,如 $min = -90,$max = 90,则 $err = 90
while ($bits--) { // 每次字符长度减1,直到等于0,如 为 26、25、24、23 等
$err /= 2; // 每次平均值除以2,如为 45、22.5、11.25、5.625 等
return $err; // 如 6.7055225372314E-7
$longitude = 113.93041; // 经度
$latitude = 22.53332; // 维度
$geohash = new Geohash;
$geohash_val = $geohash->encode($latitude, $longitude); // 输出 ws100w1d4gr
$n = 6;
$like_geohash = substr($geohash_val, 0, $n);
[0] => 00000
[1] => 00001
[2] => 00010
[3] => 00011
[4] => 00100
[5] => 00101
[6] => 00110
[7] => 00111
[8] => 01000
[9] => 01001
[b] => 01010
[c] => 01011
[d] => 01100
[e] => 01101
[f] => 01110
[g] => 01111
[h] => 10000
[j] => 10001
[k] => 10010
[m] => 10011
[n] => 10100
[p] => 10101
[q] => 10110
[r] => 10111
[s] => 11000
[t] => 11001
[u] => 11010
[v] => 11011
[w] => 11100
[x] => 11101
[y] => 11110
[z] => 11111
对一个数字进行精度评估,如 22.53 返回 0.005, 22.53332 返回 5.0E-6。
返回一个数指数运算后的值,如pow(10, 2)
返回 100、pow(10, -2)
返回 0.01、pow(10, -5)
返回 1.0E-5、
pow(2, 10)
返回 1024、 pow(2, -2)
返回 0.25,原型:
* 指数表达式
* Exponential expression
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/function.pow.php
* @param int|float $num <p>
* The base to use
* </p>
* @param int|float $exponent <p>
* The exponent
* </p>
* @return int|float base raised to the power of exp.
* If the result can be represented as integer it will be returned as type
* integer, else it will be returned as type float.
* If the power cannot be computed false will be returned instead.
function pow ($num, $exponent) {}
二进制数转化为十进制,如 bindec(1010)
返回 10,原型:
* Binary to decimal
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/function.bindec.php
* @param string $binary_string <p>
* The binary string to convert
* </p>
* @return int|float The decimal value of binary_string
function bindec ($binary_string) {}
* Returns the rounded value of val to specified precision (number of digits after the decimal point).
* precision can also be negative or zero (default).
* Note: PHP doesn't handle strings like "12,300.2" correctly by default. See converting from strings.
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/function.round.php
* @param float $num <p>
* The value to round
* </p>
* @param int $precision [optional] <p>
* The optional number of decimal digits to round to.
* </p>
* @param int $mode [optional] <p>
* </p>
* @return float The rounded value
function round ($num, $precision = 0, $mode = PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP) {}
* Natural logarithm
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/function.log.php
* @param float $num <p>
* The value to calculate the logarithm for
* </p>
* @param float $base [optional] <p>
* The optional logarithmic base to use
* (defaults to 'e' and so to the natural logarithm).
* </p>
* @return float The logarithm of arg to
* base, if given, or the
* natural logarithm.
function log ($num, $base = null) {}
* Base-10 logarithm
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/function.log10.php
* @param float $num <p>
* The argument to process
* </p>
* @return float The base-10 logarithm of arg
function log10 ($num) {}
geohash实现距离排序算法php https://blog.csdn.net/littlexiaoshuishui/article/details/88950064
LBS:附近搜索(geohash算法:经纬度编码搜索) Django http://www.360doc.com/content/14/0714/20/16044571_394404568.shtml
Geohash精度和原理 https://www.cnblogs.com/feiquan/p/11380461.html